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Saint Catherine Tekakwitha

  • Born Near Auriesville, New York

    Descendant from the Mohawk tribe
  • Became an Orphan

    At the age of Four she became an orphan due to her family dying to smallpox
    Adopted by her uncle and auntie.
    She converted when she was a teenager
  • Baptized at the age of 20

  • Saint Kateri left her village

    Saint Kateri left her village and traveled more than 200 miles through woods and rivers to the Catholic mission of St. Francis Xavier at Sault Saint-Louis, near Montreal
  • First Communion

  • Saint Kateri made a vow of perpetual virginity

  • Death

    She is known as the "Lily of the Mohawks"
    St. Kateri Tekakwitha is the first Native American to be declared a Saint
    At the age of Four she became an orphan due to her family dying to smallpox
    Patron of the environment and ecology
  • Beatified By Pope John Paul II at St.Peter’s Basilica

  • Canonized By Pope Benedict XVI