Saint Augustine and Saint Ambrose

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    Birth of Ambrose

    Birth of Ambrose
    Ambrose was born in Milan
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    Birth of Augustine

    Birth of Augustine
    354 Is born at Thagaste, on Nov l3
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    Ambrose, Imperial Governor of Northern Italy

    Ambrose, Imperial Governor of Northern Italy
    370, he had become the Imperial governor of Northern Italy.
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    Goes to study rhetoric in Carthage
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    Pause in Education

    c. 371–373 His father dies, son Adeodatus is born
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    Saint Ambrose became Bishop

    Saint Ambrose became Bishop
    When the episcopal see of Milan became vacant in 374, the people demanded that Ambrose be made their bishop. The neighboring bishops and the Emperor convinced him to accept this call as the will of God, and so the catechumen Ambrose was baptized and ordained deacon, then priest, then bishop, all in a single week
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    Becomes Professor

    Becomes professor of rhetoric in Milan
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    Saint Ambrose puplished famous works

    Saint Ambrose puplished famous works
    Ambrose is responsible for two of the first great theological works written in Latin, De Sacramentis on the Sacraments and De Spiritu Sancto on the Holy Spirit. Around 385
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    Is converted, retreats to Cassiciacum
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    Baptism of St Augustine by St Ambrose

    Baptism of St Augustine by St Ambrose
    Ambrose baptized Augustine
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    Ordained Priest

    Ordained Priest
    Is ordained priest at Hippo
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    Translations and Debates

    Translations and Debates
    Writes to Jerome requesting Latin translations of Bible commentaries Debates in Hippo with Fortunatus the Manichee
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    Becomes Bishop

    Becomes Bishop
    He becomes bishop of Hippo
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    Death of Saint Ambrose

    Death of Saint Ambrose
    Dies in Milan
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    Writes his Confessions, his Autobiography. Discusses his Childhood and conversion to Christianity
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    Donatist Controversery

    Donatist Controversery
    403–412 The Donatist controversy
    Controversies: Donatism The Donatist controversy: It concerned a single issue, not even a doctrinal one, but rather, one more organizational than anything else. It resulted in two parallel Churches in northern Africa, a situation which endured for centuries
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    The City of God

    The City of God
    413–426 Writes The City of God, On the Trinity, and The Enchiridion This became his most influential work.
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    Dies at Hippo, Aug 28