Saint aloysius gonzaga 00

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

  • Mar 9, 1568

    Aloysius is born

    Aloysius is born
    Aloysius is born on March 9th at the Castle of Castiglione.
  • Jun 21, 1578

    Vowes are made

    Vowes are made
    The Saint makes a vow of perpetual virginity before the picture of Our Lady of the Annunziata.
  • Becomes a Jesuit

    Becomes a Jesuit
    Aloysius Enters the Society of Jesus after preforming the Spiritual Exercises.
  • Death

    After Nursing the sick in hospitals Aloysius dies
  • Aloysius appears after death

    Aloysius appears after death
    Saint Aloysius appears to St. Mary Magadalen de Pazzi. There was another miracle in the convent St. mary was in related to Aloysius on April 8th.
  • Beatification

    Aloysius was Beatified
  • Canonization

    Saint Aloysius Gonzaga was canonized by Pope Benedict XIII.