250x167 bumbling betsy

Safety Developments: Tot Lot

  • City Safety Inspector

    City Safety Inspector
    Safety Inspectors come to make sure there are no underground gas lines, buried wire, etc.
  • Period: to


    The city has to decide if this is a good place to build my park!
  • Mulch!

    Added mulch to the park. Why? It helps kids so when they fall it makes it hurt less.
  • Equipment!

    Set up playground sets and other equipment.
  • Measuring time!

    Measuring time!
    Measured to make sure there was at least 6 feet between play structures. If equipment is to close a kid can get seriously hurt. (they could hit whatever is nearby.
  • Does it fit?

    Does it fit?
    Make sure to move around things that are too close!
  • Check Exterior of Park

    Check Exterior of Park
    Just in case a tree could fall and break the fence, check the exerior!
  • Fence!

    Set up the fence!! Why? Children could run out of the park!
  • Chop trees!

    Chop trees!
    Cut down all of the trees that could fall and break the fence! Breaking the fence could mean... spending time!
  • Set out Trashcans and Benches

    Set out Trashcans and Benches
    Trashcans: everybody needs a clean sanitary area!
  • Safety Walk

    Safety Walk
    Do a safey walk to make sure there are no unsafe things throughout the park.
  • Open Park!

    Open Park!
    Yay! The park is now open!