Safavid empire

Safavid Empire

By annies1
  • 1450

    Before an Empire

    TheSafavids were originally part of an Islamic religious brotherhood, named after the leader Safi al-Din.
  • 1500


    Aligned with Shi'a branch of Islam.
  • 1501

    Military and Isma'il

    Military and Isma'il
    Located between Ottomans, Uzbek tribespeople, and Mughals. Needed a strong military to protect.
    Isma'il, a 12 year old, began to seize modern day Iran. 2 years later he won. As his reward he was named Persian King. He established Shi'a Islam as state religion. Became a religious tyrant, anyone who did not convert was killed.
  • 1513

    Conflict with the Ottomans

    Conflict with the Ottomans
    In conflict with Ottomans, Isma'il killed many Sunni of Baghdad. Selim the Grim was angry so he ordered the killing of all Shi' (40,000).
  • 1514

    Battle of Chaldiran

     Battle of Chaldiran
    The Ottomans destroyed the Safavids using artillery. The result was a border set between the empires. (Modern day Ian and Iraq)
  • 1524

    Tahmasp Expansion

    Tahmasp Expansion
    Learned from defeat of Battle of Chaldiran. He adapted artillery and military and expanded the empire, bringing Christians under rule.
  • Shah Abbas

    Shah Abbas
    Took throne in 1587. Blended the cultures from Ottomans, Persians, Arabs.
    Reformed military, civilian life, and government.
    Allowed Christian orders into thee Empire, led to Europeans moving into the Empire with strengthened trade of industry and art between them and European nations.
  • New Capital

    New Capital
    Shah built a new capital at Esfahan. Considered most beautiful in the world. Art flourished including Chinese artisans and the creation of complex carpets.
  • Shah Family

    Same mistake Ottoman monarch Suleyman made, Shah killed or blinded ablest son.
  • Safi Ruler

    Incompetent grandson to Shah Abbas. Ruled weakly, empire went down the same road as the Ottoman did, only faster.
  • Nadir Shah Afshar

    Nadir Shah Afshar
    Conquered land to India, expanding the empire. However, he was so cruel, his own troops assassinated him. He dies in 1747.