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Sacagawea's Life

  • When was Sacagawea born?

    Sacagawea was born May 1788. She did not know that she would be very important in American history!
  • Kidnapped

    Sacagawea was born may 1788
    In 1800, when she was about 12 years old, Sacagawea was kidnapped by a war party of Hidatsa Indians -- enemies of her people, the Shoshones. She was taken from her Rocky Mountain homeland, located in today's Idaho, to the Hidatsa-Mandan villages near modern Bismarck, North Dakota.
  • Married

    In 1804 she was married to Toussaint Charbonneau. They were both only 16. At that time 16 wasn't early to get married.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    She met Lewis and Clark Nov 1804. She was the interpreter for them . She new 2 Native American languages. She was the only women in the expedition!
  • Baby

    On Feb 11 1805 she had her baby. Wherever she went she carried the baby on her back. Throughout her adventure she had this baby on her back!
  • Payed

    Sacagawea did a lot for Lewis and Clark. She saved their equipment and translated. She was the only women there. She did a lot yet her husband got $500.33, plus a horse and a lodge and she got nothing!
  • Brother

    When she was kidnapped she was separated from her family. When they were exploring an area she saw her brother! She had the choice of staying with her brother or going with Lewis and Clark. Though she yearned to stay with her brother she went with Lewis and Clark!
  • Died

    Everyone must go someday. Sacagawea did a lot in her life and she is remembered for it!
  • Coin

    In 2000 she was put on a coin in her remembrance. The coin is worth $1.