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Salt & Light 4 Haiti Milestone Timeline

  • Dr. Jeff made initial visit to Salt & Light Sunday School Class

    Dr. Jeff talked about building a church and school sponsorship. We couldn’t see it then but looking back it is so evident that God had plans for S&L and Dr. Jeff
  • Period: to

    Salt & Light 4 Haiti Milestone Event Timeline

  • Salt & Light Sunday School raises support for Bainet

    Salt & Light Sunday School raises support for Bainet
    Raised $6,000 to complete the church in the village of MOreau, and school sponsorships for 70 children.
  • Salt & Light Baptist Church is completed

    Salt & Light Baptist Church is completed
    Through donations the church was finished in less than 6 months and approx. 70 children sponsored.
  • 1st Salt & Light trip to Bainet

    1st Salt & Light trip to Bainet
    We were overwhelmed by the hearts in the villagers.
  • 2nd Salt & Light trip to Bainet

    2nd Salt & Light trip to Bainet
    Delivered over 1000 Christmas gifts for the children, did research for growing the economy and new soccer ministry.
  • Christmas gifts are distributed to the children on Bainet

    Christmas gifts are distributed to the children on Bainet
  • Dr. Jeff and Gordon visit Lynchburg

    Met with Salt & Light SS, TRBC, LCA, Bethlehem Baptist Church, and Pastor Wayne amd Runk & Pratt residents church
  • Partnership commitment from TRBC

    TRBC agreed to partner in a new school in the village of Moreau
  • Salt & Light 4 Haiti is formed

    Salt & Light 4 Haiti is formed
    Established for the purposes of solidifying a continued commitment to serve in Haiti.
  • Partnership formed with Bethlehem Baptist Church

    Partnership formed with Bethlehem Baptist Church
    BBC raises $3,000 to sponsor school children in the village of Moca
  • 3rd Salt & Light trip to Bainet

    3rd Salt & Light trip to Bainet
    Held VBS for the children, Crafts, Sewing, delivered Soccer uniforms, cleats, and equipment.
  • TRBC and Food for the Poor partner with us to build a well in the main village of Moreau

    Anticipate well completion by end of 2016.
  • Land for school and well is secured

    Land for school and well is secured
    Land purchased and deeds secured.
  • Grading for the school site completed

    Grading for the school site completed
  • Building materials arrive for school expansion in Moca

    Building materials arrive for school expansion in Moca
  • *Moreau school construction to begin

    *Moreau school construction to begin
  • School classes begin

    School classes begin
    Until new school building is complete classes to be held in Moreau church.
  • 4th Salt & Light 4 Haiti trip to Bainet

    Pastoral training, mid-wife training, deliver Christmas gifts
  • *Moreau school phase 1 completed

    *Moreau school phase 1 completed
  • *Well completed and in use