Ryder's roller coaster life

  • Savannah was born

    Savannah was born
    Savannah was born September 3, 2005 in Grand Rapids Michigan at Butter Worth Hospital.
  • Savannah's first time home

    Savannah's first time home
    Being a premature baby I had to stay in the hospital a month after I was born until I could finally go home to my parents.
  • Savannah started crawling

    Savannah started crawling
    I started to crawl at 6 months.
  • Met my friend Jayla

    Met my friend Jayla
    I met my long time friend Jayla (who im still good friends with still) when her family moved into my dad's duplex he was renting out. We have many memories together and im still glad to have her in my life.
  • Barack Obama wins presidency

    Barack Obama wins presidency
  • Little brother was born

    Little brother was born
    In 2008 my little brother was born in Grand Rapids.
  • Tonsils removed

    Tonsils removed
    I underwent surgery to get my tonsils removed from having sick complications and snoring problems.
  • Started kindergarden

    Started kindergarden
    I started kindergarden at Brookwood elementary.
  • Moved to Houston

    Moved to Houston
    I moved to Houston with my family which was a very big change for us.
  • Visiting Michigan

    Visiting Michigan
    Me, my mom and my brother went back to Michigan to visit our family.
  • Sister lived with us for a year

    Sister lived with us for a year
    My sister came from Michigan to live with my brother mom and dad for a year. We did lots of things such as going skating, swimming and just bonding overall.
  • Went to splash town

    Went to splash town
    Me my dad and brother went to splash town in the summer.
  • Met my friend Rayan

    Met my friend Rayan
    After moving into our second place in Houston I met a friend there "Rayan". We ended up going to the same school which was perfect. We spent every single day together doing all kinds of things. I still keep in touch with her to this day.
  • Visited Michigan for funeral

    Visited Michigan for funeral
    After my dad's passing in 2016, we went to Michigan to have his funeral and burial.
  • Donald Trump becomes the 45th president.

    Donald Trump becomes the 45th president.
  • Moved back to Michigan

    Moved back to Michigan
  • Went on vacation in New York

    Went on vacation in New York
    In the summer, my mom, my brother and sister went to New York with Jayla (my friend) and her family. It was so much fun. We went to Times Square, the Statue of Liberty and many more places.
  • Last year playing middle school Vb

    Last year playing middle school Vb
    This was my last year playing volleyball with my friend Yasmin. Which was very sad we made lots of memories playing together.
  • Starting High School

    I started online High school at Union, which was a very weird way to shift into High school but I managed.
  • Covid-19

  • First job

    First job
    2 months after I turned 16 I got my first job at Wendy's. I did various things such as cooking, taking orders and back cash. I stayed there for 11 months.
  • Went to Cedar Point

    Went to Cedar Point
    In the summer me, my sister, brother and mom went to Cedar Point for the day.
  • Moved to Byron Center

    Moved to Byron Center
    I moved to Byron with my brother and mom from Grand Rapids. This was a very big change for us leaving our friends we were close by too.