ryansmith government

  • ryansmith

    The world trade center in New York is attacked by Islamic fundamentalists led by Osama bin Ladin. Four commercial airlines were hijacked. 2 planes were flown into the world trade center buildings in New York. Another plane was flown into the pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The last plane was retaken by heroic passengers and it crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. The attacks left almost 3,000 Americans dead. http://www.history.com/topics/9-11-attacks
  • War on terror begins

    War on terror begins
    The Bush administration announces the start of the war on terrorism in the middle east after the wake of the attacks on september 11th. this begins the United States involvement in fighting terror groups in the middle east http://2001-2009.state.gov/s/ct/rls/wh/6947.htm
  • Sister Jenna born

    Sister Jenna born
    Ryan's second and younger sister is born at abington memorial hospital.
  • Patriot act

    Patriot act
    The United States signs the Patriot Act into law. The Patriot Act is a controversial bill passed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks that strengthened the United States ability to investigate potential threats. This handed more legal power to the government then they ever had. National security is put on top priority and individual rights are violated for safety. http://www.history.com/topics/9-11-attacks
  • War in iraq begins

    War in iraq begins
    The United States begins its attacks in Iraq. The U.S begins to bomb Baghdad marking the start of the U.S military’s direct involvement in Iraq. Soon after, British Australian and polish troops join the fight as well. https://www.globalpolicy.org/war-on-terrorism.html
  • No mwds in iraq

    No mwds in iraq
    The CIA admits that they had no intelligence of wmds in Iraq before the start of the war. this questions the right and validity of the decision to invade Iraq.
  • Bush is reelected

    Bush is reelected
    President Bush is reelected into office over john Kerry. The republican candidate began his 2nd consecutive term as he beat the democrat Kerry with a total of 286 votes in the Electoral College. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19510-2004Nov2.html
  • First baseball team

    First baseball team
    Ryan joins his first baseball team coached by his dad. ryan plays for the phillies team for the Roslyn Boys and Girls club
  • Hurricane katrina

    Hurricane katrina
    Hurricane Katrina strikes the southeast United States devastating the city of New Orleans and causing problems from Alabama to Louisiana. Over one thousand three hundred people die as major cities are flooded and homes are destroyed as the government does a poor job to help aid those affected. http://useconomy.about.com/od/Financial-Crisis/a/Stock-Market-Crash-2008.htm
  • First day of kindergarden

    First day of kindergarden
    Ryan starts his schooling with roslyn elementary. his kindergarden year is at Glendside Weldon while Roslyn is being rebuilt
  • Ryan gets pets

    Ryan gets pets
    ryan gets his 2 firsts cats from his mothers friends. They are both 8 weeks old.
  • Stock market crash

    Stock market crash
    Finacial crisis begins as the stock market crashes. the goverment goes on to spend over 700 billion dollars for failing banks assets. http://useconomy.about.com/od/Financial-Crisis/a/Stock-Market-Crash-2008.htm
  • Obama wins presidency

    Obama wins presidency
    Barack Obama becomes the first African American president. He wins over the republican John McCain. The new president hopes to make many changes to the government. http://www.biography.com/people/barack-obama-12782369
  • Osama bin Ladin killed

    Osama bin Ladin killed
    United States naval special operations forces carry out a mission to kill Osama bin Ladin. the operation is successful, and the United States finaly kills the leader of the infamous terror group al queda, which was responsible for the 9/11 terror attacks.
  • Crusaders Football

    Crusaders Football
    Ryan joins his first fotball team. He plays for his cyo team the Saint Johns Crusaders
  • 6th grade graduation

    6th grade graduation
    Ryan ends his accademic carrer at Roslyn Elemetery, where he attended kindergarden through 6th grade.
  • President Obama reelected

    President Obama reelected
    The democrat Barack Obama is reelected over the republican Mitt Romney. Obama continues to push his progressive agenda to expand the government. 'http://http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decision2012/after-grueling-campaign-polls-open-for-election-day-2012/2012/11/06/d1c24c98-2802-11e2-b4e0-346287b7e56c_story.html' > </a>
  • Parents seperate

    Ryan's parents split up and Dad gets house in Highland. Ryan lives with his mom but spends lots of time at dad's new house.
  • shannon goes to college

    shannon goes to college
    Ryan's sister Shannon moves out and goes to college. She moves down to florida where she attends the Univeristy of South Florida.
  • Confirmation

    Ryan gets confirmed into the catholic faith. he is sponsered by his grandfather as he states his loyalty to the faith and church
  • 7th Grade

    7th Grade
    ryan starts his first year of middle school at Abington Junior High School. Ryan is in the yellow neighborhood where he learns how the new school works.