My birthday
I was born on Febuary 8 1999. I was born in souix falls. My parents are Matt and Michelle. My parents wernt married. -
My brother was born
My little brother Kyle John DeBoer was born. I was only three years old. I only remember eating really good ice cream. -
I was seven. I wasnt really ever the goley. But i was Getting pulled off all the times for fouls. -
My grandfather took me to a Nascar race. I was in the forth grade.
But i sleep thought the whole race almost tho. -
1st day of school
It was the funnest day of school. I got to do any thing i wanted. I got to take a nap. -
My little sister was born.
My sister Andi Deboer was born. I was getting my grandpas camper at the time. I never did go to the hospitol for that one. -
First football game
My first football game i was a line man. I wasnt that good at it tho. I didnt even get a takl. -
I got my new pitbull
She is brown and white. Her name was iris thats a flower. we got her from the pound. -
When i moved shoocls
I moved here form west central. I like it her much better here. -
I got my boxer
His name is Knight. My mom got him from a freind hes a mix. -
My uncle Went to afganistan
My uncle Matt went to rapid and got recruted. -
My first computer class of 8th grade
Its my first computers class. Its farly boring. I sit by my best freind.