Ryan Mcfail

  • The first 11 states that passed the constitution sent electors to pick the first presadent

    The first 11 states that passed the constitution sent electors to pick the first presadent
    These delegates formed the electoral collage
  • George Washington Was Elected President

    George Washington Was Elected President
    George Washington was elected the first president of the united states. George had to pave the road for all future presidents.
  • The french revolution starts

    The french revolution starts
    The war overthrew the monarchy and created a republic run by Nepolien
  • jays treaty

    jays treaty
    a treaty that settled undisputed issues between britian and america after america gained there independence
  • Whiskey rebelion

    Whiskey rebelion
    Farmers fought against tax collectors until George Washington brought an army to tell them to stop
  • The Battle of Fallen Timbers

    The Battle of Fallen Timbers
    Native Americans fought the forces of Anthony Wayne and were defeated
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Treaty of Greenville
    Ends fighting in the Northwest Territory against indians
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    Pinckney's  Treaty
    This treaty settled disputes with Spanish trades in the territory known as present day Florida.
  • John Adams is elected presadent

    John Adams is elected presadent
    Vice President John Adams is elected president after George Washington refuses a third term
  • George Washington Dies

    George Washington Dies
    he was barried in a family cellar from a throat infection called pneumonia