Rutherford's Experiment

  • Ernest Rutherford was born

    Ernest Rutherford was born
  • Element named after him.

    Rutherford had the element 'rutherfordium' named after him in his honor.
  • Gold Foild Experiment

    He conducted an experiment were he shot a stream of positively charged alpha particles at a peice of thin gold foil. He figured the particles would go right through. Some did, but some were deflected.
  • Tractor was invented

    Tractor was invented
  • Won the Nobel Prize

    Won the Nobel Prize
  • Accidental Discovery

    In 1910, Rutherford's investigations into the scattering of alpha rays and the nature of the inner structure of an atom led to the postulation of his concept of the nucleus, one of his greates contributions the physics. In his model, he had electorns circling the nucleus. Like planets orbiting the sun.
  • Overturns Thomson's Theory

    Rutherford overturned Thomson's theory with his own experiment were he deomonstrated that the atom as a tiny, massive nucleus. He designed a experiment that had alpha particles emmited by a radioactive element.
  • Discovered Protons

  • Bra was invented

    Bra was invented
  • Bandaid was invented

    Bandaid was invented
  • Television was invented

    Television was invented
  • Ernest Rutherford Died

    Ernest Rutherford Died
    From a strangulated hernia.