Ruth Mosko is born
"Born on November 4, 1916, in Denver Colorado. She was the tenth child born to Jacob and Ida Mosko" (Ruth Handler"). -
Elliot Handler (spouse)
"Married Elliot Handler in 1938. They established a woodworking business called Mattel with a friend named Harold Matson. In 1946 Matson sold the company to the Handlers and they started the business of toys" ("Ruth Handler" abc-clio.com). -
first barbie
"Ruth found the perfect model for her idea in the cigar shops of Germany...she was modeled after a promiscuous cartoon character from the adult tabloid Bild-Zeitung" ("Ruth Handler" abc.clio.com). picture citation: http://www.dipity.com/asclark/Barbie-or-GI-Joe/ -
They had two kids Barbara and Kenneth. They then created a Barbie doll named after Barbara and another one after Kenneth. The became the world's most popular dolls ("Ruth Handler" school.eb.com). -
"...created the collectible Hot Wheels toy cars" ("Ruth Handler" school.eb.com). -
charitable foundations
"Handler founded the Ruthon Corp. to manufacture the Nearly Me prothetic breasts for women who had had mastectomies..." ("Handler, Ruth Mosko"). picture citation: http://www.bcrfcure.org/ -
convicted felon
She was convicted as a felon at the age of 62, after falsifying financial documents ("Ruth Handler" abc-clio.com). -
lost money
"... losing $113 million in 1987 on unsuccessful new products lines..." ("Ruth Handler" school.eb.com). citation for picture:http://financialreliefgroup.com/news/timeshare-news-and-why-they-are-a-bad-investment -
"She was banned from Kuwait from a Muslim official because Barbie's body was declared unrealistic" ("Ruth Handler" school.eb.com). -
"When Ruth Handler was 85, cancer took her life on April 27, 2002. She was buried at teh start-stubbed Hillside Memorial Cementery in Culber City, California." (Ruth Handler" abc-clio.com). -
image ciations
http://scoutu2.com/profile/ruth-v/ is unknown -
Symnol #1
a light blue color "symbolizes your creativity. You like o pace your self in what ever your doing" ("Colors" dreammoods.com).
THe light blue color represents Ruth Handler because she had alot of creaivity to make alot of different dolls. She was an imaginaive person and always had a new idea. She was a person who took her time in her work. citation: http://www.thatswhatimherefor.com/?m=200902 -
Symbol #2
A cow represents divine qualiies for fertiliy, nourishment and motherhood. Milking a cow represents your willingness and drive o work hard. In the end you will benefit from your hard work" ("Cow"). A cow symbolizes Ruth Handler because it shows her motherhood since she named her dolls afterr her kids. She mosly represents a milking cow since she was willing to work hard and benefit from her work.