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Cold War
US and The Soviet Union fought (figuratively) for the most power, biggest nuclear missles, and to get the best achievements in space technology. -
Potsdam Conference
In 1945, the three main Soviet leaders, Josheph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Harry Truman met in Potsdam, Germany to discuss terms on how to end WW2. They issued a surrender ultimatum to Japan, but no peace treaty was signed between the Allies and Germany, so further arguments continued. -
Beginning of the Cold War
The beginning of the Cold War was a result due to the tense nature of the relationship between the US and the Soviet Union. This was a conflict idealogical difference between the US and the Soviet Union in the second half of the 20th century. -
Berlin Blockade/Airlift
A massive transfer of essential supplies to Berlin. It was between the Soviet Union and the Western Poweres. food was dropped for 2 million civilians in Berlin in a span of 277,264 flights. the flights carried 2,343,315 tons of food and coal. On Febuary 2, 1949 Stalin agreed to lift the blockade if Allies would lift the counter- blockade. The blockades were lifted on May 2, 1949. 75 British and American soldiers were lost in the action. -
Sputnik 1
The first artificial Earth satellite that the Soviet union launched. They launched Sputnik into earths orbit. It was a 58 centimeter diameter polished metal sphere with 4 external radio antennas to broadcast back to earth. It contributed to the Space Race, a part of the larger Cold War. the launch ushered new political, military, technilogical, and scientific developments. -
U-2 Incident
the United States sent a U-2 spy plane, which was shot down in Soviet Airspace. The incident was a great embarrasment to the US. And prompet a mart deteriation with the Soviet Union. -
Berlin Wall
A wall that separated West and East belin. on November 11, 1958, Soviet Leader Nikira declared the London protocal invade. In May, 1961 the North Atlantic treaty organization was signed. betweeen 1955-1961 more than 200,000 people left east Germany. Late October 1961 it got tense when Soviet and US tanks confronted each other at the checkpoint Charlie. November 9, 1989 people began to break down the wall with chissels and over time the wall was destroyed. Today only chunks of the wall remain. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
In 1962, the Soviet Union tried to install nuclear warheards on the island of Cuba, after Fidel Castro became the Dictator. The US, seeing this as a threat, sent a U-2 reconnaissance plan to Cuba, to check on Cuba. The plane was shot down. The Soviet and the US agreed to withdraw all nuclear missles from Cuba and turkey after the 13-day incident. -
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Vietnam War
The Vietnam War took place from 1955-1975. Millions of people died. In 1964 the North attacked the USS Maddox. Beginning in early March, 1965, Johnson authorized a series of air strikes against North Vietnam. This continued until October 31, 1968, 3 years later. He ended the air strikes altogether in early november, 1968. The largest single battle was when the offensive saw the communist attack five of the South Vietnamese major cities, as well as many smaller towns. The war ended in April 1975. -
The Perestroika was a political movement including the communist prty of the Soviet Union during the 1980's, and was widely associated with the Soviet leader Miknail Gorbachen with his Glasnot policy reform. The goal was to create a semi-free market system, reflecting the succesfull capitalist practices im the economies of Germany, Japan, and the US. The economy took time to thrive, which led to long lines, strikes, and civil unrest. -
Fall of Communism/Soviet Union
The Soviet Union was formed in December of 1922 when Russia added Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazahkstan Kyrgyzstan, Maldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan to its empire. Joseph Stalin led the Soviet Union through the economic restructuring, the Great Purge, WW2, and the beginning of the Cold War, from 1924 to his death in 1953. When Mikhail Gorbachev was appointed in 1985, the Union began to fall. After his resignation in 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the countries