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Russian and Ukrainian Tensions - A Timeline Of Events (so far)

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    The History of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

    Tension between these two states rose due to a 'landmark political and trade deal' with the European Union in late 2013.
    Then, in March of 2014, Russia annexed Crimea, by dumping thousands of troops into the small peninsula. Ukraine then 'slammed' this annexation, which meant they did not agree with it, and expressed those feelings verbally to Russia.
  • Volodymyr Zelensky is elected President of Ukraine.

    Volodymyr Zelensky is elected President of Ukraine.
    Volodymyr Zelensky is elected President of Ukraine, in a landslide vote, beating Petro Poroshenko. Zelensky beat Poroshenko with 73.1% of the vote. He was previously an actor and comedian, and he played a teacher who is elected president of Ukraine in recent works. He also won without any prior political experience (except in acting) or political knowledge.
  • Whistleblowers allege that President Donald Trump used money to gain information on Joseph Biden, his politial rival.

    Whistleblowers allege that President Donald Trump used money to gain information on Joseph Biden, his politial rival.
    In September of 2019, President Donald J. Trump made a phone call with Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the current president of Ukraine, in order to pay him and make an attempt at coercing him to investigate information on Joseph Biden (one of his political rivals) and his family. This was later brought up in an impeachment request in September.
  • Build-up of Russian troops is found along the Ukraine border through satellite imagery.

    Build-up of Russian troops is found along the Ukraine border through satellite imagery.
    In November of 2021, satellite imagery discovered an estimated 90,000 Russian troops placed near the Russian-Ukrainian border, along with Russian tanks and infantry weapons. This was cause for concern for Ukraine, and for the U.S, as they would generally be allies with Ukraine in most ways.
  • President Vladmir Putin is planning to install a pro-Moscow ally in Ukraine, according to the UK

    President Vladmir Putin is planning to install a pro-Moscow ally in Ukraine, according to the UK
    Russia has moved over 100,000 troops to the Russian-Ukrainian border, and is still continuing to deny any possible invasion within the near future. Ministers of the UK warn the world that Russia will install a pro-Moscow ally in Ukraine, and "will face serious consequences" if an incursion is incited.
    "Russia must de-escalate, end its campaigns of aggression and disinformation, and pursue a path of diplomacy." Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said in a statement.
  • Russia-Ukraine border: Why Moscow is stoking tensions

    Russia-Ukraine border: Why Moscow is stoking tensions
    Tensions between Russia and Ukraine are beginning to rise, as Russian tanks have been moving west towards Ukraine, after the meeting with President Joseph Biden and President Vladimir Putin.
    Moscow insisted that it was "anti-Russian" hysteria. The city is 'blowing off' the growing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and not taking any responsibility or blame.
  • President Joseph Biden and President Vladimir Putin 'square off' in a video call for two hours.

    President Joseph Biden and President Vladimir Putin 'square off' in a video call for two hours.
    Biden and Putin video called for around two hours, discussing everything that had to do with the troops that Russia had placed around Ukraine recently. Putin told Biden that he wanted the NATO military alliance of the US to cut off any possible alliance with Ukraine, which is a clear sign of Putin's plan to invade Ukraine. Biden disagreed with this and told him that the US will inflict heavy blows to Russia's economy if they go forward with the invasion of Ukraine.
  • Biden vows that the US will act "decisively" if Russia invades Ukraine.

    Biden vows that the US will act "decisively" if Russia invades Ukraine.
    President Joseph Biden speaks with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and states that if Russia invades Ukraine, then the US, its allies, and its partners will act decisively. Biden also states that he will hit Russia with devastating economic sanctions.
  • NATO and the US describe Russia troop movements around the Ukrainian border "unusual".

    NATO and the US describe Russia troop movements around the Ukrainian border "unusual".
    US intelligence findings stated that Russia could begin a military offensive in Ukraine "as soon as early 2022."
    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also said that Russia could double its troops on a "relatively short order."
    Russia also was revealed (through satellites and cameras) to have several tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and self-propelled guns moving towards the border, only at 186 miles away at the moment.
  • Canada sends a $120 million loan to Ukraine.

    Canada sends a $120 million loan to Ukraine.
    Canada sends $120 million dollars to Ukraine, in a loan, to bolster its economic and military resources. The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, states that they are doing this to help support Ukraine, as Russia is trying to destabilize the country's economy, military, and society.
  • Canada expands its funding and 'mission' in support of Ukraine.

    Canada expands its funding and 'mission' in support of Ukraine.
    Canada extends its military training and the funding to support Ukraine if Russia were to cause an incursion or an invasion. They are pledging an additional $268 million dollars ($340 million Canadian dollars). “Let there be no mistake that Canada, alongside all of our democratic allies, stands strong for Ukraine, and everything we do is motivated by our pursuit of de-escalation and a diplomatic solution,” Trudeau said.
  • Russia, Ukraine, France, and Germany commit to a ceasefire in Eastern Europe.

    Russia, Ukraine, France, and Germany commit to a ceasefire in Eastern Europe.
    Several advisors to the heads of state in Russia, France, Ukraine, and Germany who all met in Paris reaffirmed the commitment to a ceasefire, which was agreed to in the so-called Minsk accords.
    “They support unconditional compliance with the ceasefire … regardless of differences on other issues related to the implementation of the Minsk agreements”, they said in a statement published on the website of the French presidency.
  • US formally responds to Russia's demands.

    US formally responds to Russia's demands.
    The US made a written response towards Russia's recent demands, along with NATO's less formal response. “We made clear that there are core principles that we are committed to uphold and defend, including Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the right of states to choose their own security arrangements and alliances,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. Ukraine's foreign minister also stated that the troop build-up from Russia is insufficient for an attack.
  • Prediction.

    I predict that Russia will invade Ukraine regardless of its consequences, and try to fend off America, and take over Ukraine. This could result in another war, even a World War, especially since countries like Canada, who are usually passive, are financially supporting Ukraine.
  • Russia's foreign minister hints at a diplomatic opening.

    Russia's foreign minister hints at a diplomatic opening.
    Russia's foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, stated on Friday that Moscow could talk with the US about European Security. He also stated that America's written response to Russia's NATO and security requests in Eastern Europe had "a kernel of rationality." The statements that Russia has responded with have only been bellicose threats and broad dismissals of what America has accused Russia of, or "Western hysteria."
  • President Emmanuel Macron of France holds a phone call with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

    President Emmanuel Macron of France holds a phone call with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
    President Macron of France held a phone call with President Putin of Russia, to discuss the tensions with Ukraine and Russia. Macron used this call to ease the tensions that Putin may be feeling. Putin is also calling for the reshaping of the post-Cold War security arrangements in Europe and a retreat of all NATO forces in eastern Europe. This is presumably asked to make it easier for Russia to invade Ukraine.