
By rc234
  • Romanian army invades Hungary

    Romanian army invades Hungary
    The army of Romania was lead by Alexandru Marghiloman invades Hungary
  • Soviet Russia sign the Treaty of taru

    Soviet Russia sign the Treaty of taru
    Treaty of taru was a peace treaty that ended the Estonian war on independence.
  • The red army captured the Mongolian capital

    The red army captured the Mongolian capital
    Red army captures Ulan Bator the capital of Mongolia
  • The patriarch of Moscow was put under house arrest.

    The patriarch of Moscow was put under house arrest.
    Tihkon was placed under house arrest for being accused of sabotage
  • Declaration of 46 was written

    Declaration of 46 was written
    A secret letter written by 46 soviet communist to the Politburo
  • The soviet constitution of 1924 came into affect

    The soviet constitution of 1924 came into affect
    The constitution was an expansion of the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR
  • Leon Trotsky was resigned his military offices

    Leon Trotsky was resigned his military offices
    Leon Trotsky was a Russian politician who was removed as the Commissar of military and naval affairs.
  • Leon Trotsky was banned from the Politburo

    Leon Trotsky was banned from the highest policy making under the government authority under the communist party
  • Zinoview was banned from the Communist Party

    Zinoview was a Soviet Communist who was banned from the Communist Party
  • Stalin announced the beginning of state industrialization.

    The soviet economy changed a lot once state industrialization came into the picture
  • Bukharian was expelled from the politburo

    Bukharian was a soviet politician who was kicked out of the Politburo.
  • The gulag was made

    The gulag was a government in charge of the soviet labor camps