Russians forces capture Vienna
The Vienna Offensive was launched by the Soviet 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts in order to capture Vienna, Austria, during World War II. The offensive lasted from 2 April to 13 April 1945. The city of Vienna was surrounded and under siege for most of the offensive until its liberation from Nazi Germany. -
Hitler's Suicide
With Soviet troops less than 500 metres from his Führerbunker, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. He had shot himself with his own pistol, alongside him was his new wife Eva (née Braun), she had died after taking cyanide capsules. The capsules had already proved lethal after tests conducted on Hitler’s dog Blondi. -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War started due to the division on Vietnam. In order to unify Vietnam, communist guerilla fighters, mostly from South Vietnam, appeared in South Vietnam's jungles. With their knowledge of the land, it made the a deadly foe against American troops. In the other hand More American troops were sent as well as help the Soviet Union and China, but no help for the Vietnamese. Two years later North Vietnam had conquered South Vietnam. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis happened in October of 1962 when the Soviet Union started to install nuclear missiles in Cuba. The U.S. refused to allow this and after thirteen tense days, the Soviets finally agreed to remove them. This was the closet the United States and Soviet Union came to a nuclear war. -
Iranian Revolution
In 1951 the new prime minister Mohammad Mosaddeq nationalized the forgien-owned oil industry. What outragged many Iranians was that Shah with the help of U.S expeled Mosaddeq and renturned back the Western's control over the oil industry. the oil was used to build industries and distribute lands. In that same year they siezed an American embassy at the capital, holding 52 hostages for a year. -
Iran-Iraq War
In 1980 Saddam Hussein, iraqi dictator, siezed a disputed border region in Iran, causing a costly war. With posion gas and superior weapons Iraq was able to stop Iranian soldiers. Both attacked forgien oil tankers and oil fields in the Persain Gulf, which later stopped when the U.S. interfered to protect shipping lanes. The war ended in 1988 but it left Iran and Iraq with an enormous economic toll. Saddam Hussein caused a genocide by using chemical weapons on Kurdish civilians. -
Osama bin Laden forms al Qaeda
The most widely known Islamic terrorist organization is al Qaeda, which translates to the Base in Arabic. The founder was Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden wanted to overtrow "un-Islamic" governments and expel non-Muslims from Muslim countries. In 1988 the terrorist group bombed American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.