McKenna G 36 Chapters and 309 pages
fiction FANTASY
Id read at least 50 pages per entry
Fiction: Fantasy-- 0-35pages total (35)
Rebecca is a girl who is from New York city who's dad is a business man. He has to go on his longest trip yet which is 6 months long and it's in the middle of the school year. She doesnt have any family beside a old friend of her dad's that they call Aunt Claudia that lives in New Orleans who she has to live with until her dad returns from his business trip. -
Chapter 4 on pg35 and read till chapter 11 on pg 81
Rebecca follows a group of "Plebs" into the Lafayette Cemetery where she evasdrops on there conversations which is how she learns more about where she's living and she find out about the Brownman House curse. She also spots the perfect Anton Grey from the all boy school down the way. But on her way out she trips and when she looks up she finds and girl in rags for clothes and she helps Rebecca out of the cemetary and later that week Lisette tells rebecca her secret of being a ghost. -
Sep 13 2012 Pg 81 to pg 158
Rebecca find out how her ghost friend Lisette died which related to how everyone in town is so secrative. Like why the Grey's, Suttons, and Bowmans wouldnt let anyone in the there clique. Even after she finds out all of the details on the curse she still goes to the huge Christmas ball at Helena Bowmans home with Anton Grey where something unexpected happens. -
Sept 19 2012 pg 159 to 309
trying to fight the curse rebecca is kidnapped after the parade taken into the lafayette cemetary were Helena is begging a man to shoot rebecca with a gun, in that second lisette stands on top of the family tomb reaching for Rebecca and after she grabs lisettes hand she turn invisible to everyone but helena as she's climbing up the tomb the angel on top falls and crashes and breaks Helena's skull open, blood goes everywhere and the curse is lifted and Lisette leaves and Rebecca is safe.. :) End