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Ruby McCleary

  • Started college at Shawnee

    Started college at Shawnee
    I started college here at SSU, as a Biology major. I still have no idea what I was even planning on doing with that one. After getting a D- in Chemistry, I decided that the science route was not for me.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    Graduated in 2014 from Portsmouth West High school. I wore white converse that I bought exclusively for people to sign and I wore them across the stage at graduation, and got glared at by the principal for breaking the dress code.
  • Transferred schools

    Transferred schools
    I decided to try to go away for college, I transferred to Mount St. Joseph university in Cincinnati where my, then new, boyfriend was also attending. Here is where I changed my major to Early Childhood Education.
  • Got a Wiener Dog

    Got a Wiener Dog
    My boyfriend and I decided to get a dog together and my cousin's dachshunds had just had puppies. And that is how we ended up with Bruno. Small but Fierce.
  • Transferred Schools...Again

    Transferred Schools...Again
    We decided we did not like big city life, so we transferred back to Shawnee.
  • Enrolled in EDRE 2204

    I hope to learn how to best teach the basics of phonics to my future students to help them learn how to read fluently and hopefully enjoy reading in the process. I also hope to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts of phonics and different ways of teaching phonics.