Ruby Bridges Time Line by Doménica Buse

  • U.S: Suprem Court bans segregation in public schools

  • Ruby was born in Missisipi

  • Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat in a bus

    Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat in a bus
  • after more than a year of boycotting the buses desegregate

  • Federal Court forced tha desegregation of schools in the South

  • Ruby had her first day at Frantz Elementary School

  • Freedom rides begin from Washington and groups of black and white people ride buses through the south to challenge segregation

  • Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested in Birminham, Alabama

  • John F Kennedy calls for Civil Rights Act

  • president Kennedy was assasinated

    president Kennedy was assasinated
  • Look magazine published Norman Rockwell's painting "The Problem We all Live With"

    Look magazine published Norman Rockwell's painting "The Problem We all Live With"
  • President Johnson signs Civil Rights Act

    President Johnson signs Civil Rights Act
  • Black Nationalist leader Malcolm X is murdered

  • Martin Luther King Jr. is assasinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. is assasinated
  • Ruby´s Story was published

    Ruby´s  Story was published