
Ruby Bridges and School Desegregation

  • Creation of NAACP

    Creation of NAACP
    The NAACP was created by civil rights leaders to fight the racial injustice of African Americans. This organization did this through education, lobbying government, and funding legal actions.
  • Murray v Pearson

    Murray v Pearson
    The Charles Hamilton Houston of NAACP with Thurgood Marshall, successfully won in the US Supreme Court against the University of Maryland. The court ruled that the school must allow the entry of African-Americans in to their law school.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    Future USSC Justice Thurgood Marshall becomes director of the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund making him the head litigator for the NAACP
  • Sweatt v. Painter

    Sweatt v. Painter
    Sweatt v Painter successfully challenged separate but equal within the realm of legal and graduate education. Thurgood Marshall convinced the USSC that separate but equal was unconstitutional in this educational context which laid the ground work for Brown v Board of Education.
  • Appointment of USSC Justice Earl Warren

    Appointment of USSC Justice Earl Warren
    While Brown v Board of Education was being decided Chief Justice Fred Vinson was on the bench. It was known that USSC would rule against the NAACP in this case because of Vinson. But during this time Vinson died. Eisenhower appointed Earl warren who convinced the other judges to unanimously decide for the NAACP in the case.
  • Brown v Board of Education of Topeaka

    Brown v Board of Education of Topeaka
    Brown v Board of Education was a landmark US Supreme Court decision in which it was declared that segregation was unconstitutional in public schools. This case was part of multiple cases which had been brought forward by NAACP and litigated by future USSC Justice Thurgood Marshall.
  • Ruby Bridges and New Orleans School Desegregation

    Ruby Bridges and New Orleans School Desegregation
    As a result of the Supreme Court Decision in Brown v. Board of Education schools were forced desegregate. Six year old Ruby Bridges was allowed entrance in to the all white William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans.
    Ruby Bridges captivated America as media showed across the nation an innocent 6 year old girl being escorted by US Marshalls through a crowd of racial hatred.