Dario 4

Rubén Darío

  • Born of Rubén Darío

    Born of Rubén Darío
    Félix Rubén García Sarmiento is born in Metapa (now Ciudad Darío), Nicaragua. He is the son of Rosa Sarmiento and Manuel García.
  • Rubén Darío traveled to Chile

    Rubén Darío traveled to Chile
    With only 19 years traveling to chile
  • Publishes Abrojos and Rhymes

    Publishes Abrojos and Rhymes
    Appears also Epic Song to the glories of Chile
  • First notes. AZUL...

    First notes. AZUL...
  • Travels through several countries

    Travels through several countries
    Travels through several countries of Central America. In 1890 he married in Guatemala with Rafaela Contreras.
  • Trip to Spain

    Trip to Spain
    for the celebration of the IV Centenary of the Discovery of America. He sends his chronicles to the Nation of Buenos Aires.
  • His wife dies

    His wife dies
    His wife Rafaela dies and he lives in Nicaragua with Rosario Murillo
  • Travel to Argentina

    Travel to Argentina
    1893-1898 Stay in Argentina.
  • Prosas Profanas

    Prosas Profanas
    He publishes another of his great books
  • Returned to Madrid

    Returned to Madrid
    Returned to Madrid as correspondent of the Nation of Buenos Aires.
  • Meets Francisca Sánchez

    Meets Francisca Sánchez
    meets Francisca Sánchez in Madrid, with whom she has been living a marital life since then.
  • Profane prose and other poems

    Profane prose and other poems
    Contemporary Spain: Chronicles and literary portraits. Pilgrimages.
  • Traveled to Paris

    Traveled to Paris
    He is appointed Consul of Nicaragua in Paris.
  • Songs of life and hope

    Songs of life and hope
    Songs of life and hope. The swans and other poems.