RTI Definition
Multi tiered approach for struggling learners -
Tier 1
Classroom instruction, screening, intervention groups
Determine student isn’t struggling due to instruction
8 weeks max time
Progress monitored through curriculum measurement
Progress monitored continuously Students who don’t show progress move to Tier 2 -
Tier 1 Assessments
Benchmark assessments
Core program assessments
Read naturally -
Tier 2
Targeted behaviors
Intense instruction matched to needed based on levels of performance and rate of progress
Small group setting
Math and reading
Max time not to exceed a grading period Little progress, then considered for more intensive interventions -
Tier 2 Assessments
Benchmark assessments
Core program assessments
Diagnostic assessments
Reading First Program -
Tier 3
Intense intervention and comprehensive evaluation
Can lead to special education
Target students skill deficits -
Tier 3 Assessments
Benchmark assessments
Core program assessments
Pre-teaching/retracting small groups -
Special Education Services
If progress is not made, students can be referred to comprehensive evaluation and considered eligible for special education services