Rtanawath union and strike timeline

  • Noble Order of the knights of labor

    Noble Order of the knights of labor
    It was organized by Philadelphia garment workers. It was open to farmers, merchants and wage earners. Their objectives was equal pay for equal work and abolition of child labor.
  • American Federation of labor

    American Federation of labor
    It was focused on better working conditions. They also work for better pay. They are called AFL. They work for Union labels on produced items.
  • Haymarket square riot

    Haymarket square riot
    The workers in Chicago march for an 8 hr day protest Mccomick Harvesting machine. The police come to break up the strike. The anarchists blamed for Violence. Their were 8 policemen die and 100 injured.
  • How the other half lives

    How the other half lives
    The story studies among the tenements of New York. It tells you the living conditions of the people in the tenements. In the tenements there were no light and it was dirty. There were many family in each tenements.
  • The homestead strike

    The homestead strike
    This was one of the most defeat disputes in U.S. labor history. The final result was a major defeat for the union. It was a setback for efforts to unionize steel workers.
  • The Pullman strike

    The Pullman strike
    The company built a town so workers can rent a home near their job. The rent went high in 1893 and Pullman refused to lower rent. The workers went on strike, led by Eugene V. Debs.
  • Labor Day Holiday

    Labor Day Holiday
    Labor Day is the first Monday in September. The reason is was made was for the workers to take a day off from work. No one knows who first proposed the holiday for workers.
  • The Coal Strike

    The Coal Strike
    The strike was by the United Mine workers of america in the anthracite coal fields of eastern. President Theodore Roosevelt become involved and se up a factfind commission that suspended the strike hour. It was the first labor episode in which he federal government intervened as a neytral arbitrator.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    "The Jungle" written by Upton Sinclair tells you about the conditions of the meat packing industry in Chicago. The book he wrote led to different kind of act. He tells the people what happens to the meat and the workers.
  • "The Bitter Cry Of Children

    "The Bitter Cry Of Children
    In this it tells you what the kids did in the coal mine and all the different jbs they did. They had to work in the dark for many hours. The Conditons for were very bad and their health were bad.
  • Pure food and Drug act

    Pure food and Drug act
    The United States federal law provided federal inspection. They inspection transportation of adulterated food products and poisonous. They also look though meat and other manufacture.
  • triangle shirt factory fire

    triangle shirt factory fire
    Their werea fire at the Triangle Waist Company factory in New York City killed 146 workers. The Triangle Waist Company was owned by Max Blanck and Isaac Harris. After the fire safety codes around the United States.
  • Congress of Industrial Organization

    Congress of Industrial Organization
    There were part of the AFL until 1935. They finally reintegrated into AFL 1955. They broke away because it advocated organization along industrial lines rather than craft lines.
  • The National Labor Relations act

    The National Labor Relations act
    They had the power to punish unfair labor practices. They had labor rights to organize legally recognized. They created national labor relations .
  • GM sit down strike

    GM sit down strike
    The Strike ended in February 11, 1937. The action against GM brought the tactic of sitdown strikes and their effectiveness to the attention of the general public. A sit dow strike involves workers remaining in the workplace while on strike to prevent normal business operations from being conducted.
  • Fair Labor standards act

    Fair Labor standards act
    They achieved Federal regulation of child labor. The work time for children are now regulated by federal law. They also have a minimum work age.
  • Steel strike

    Steel strike
    The strike was by the Wnited steelworkers of America against U.S. stell and nine other steelmaker. The strike was scheduled to begin on April 9, 1952 but president Harry S. truman nationalized the American steel industry hours before the workers walk out. The strike ended on July 24 1952.
  • Major league baseball strike

    Major league baseball strike
    The 1972 baseball strike was the first playes strike in Major League baseball history. Baseball resumed when the owners and players agreed on a $500000 increase in pension fund payment and to add salary arbitration to the collective bargaining agreement. The strike ended in April 13, 1972
  • New York City Transit Strike

    New York City Transit Strike
    It was a strike in New York City called by the Transport workers Union Lacal 100. Negotiations for a new contract with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority broke down over retirement, pension, and wage increases.The strike officially ended At 2:35 p.m. in December 22, 2005