Royce's PSY240 Final Project

By RoyceM
  • Birth

    I was born at Queen's Medical Center West O'ahu via vaginal birth. I was 7 lbs 11 oz. My dad was the one who cut the umbilical cord. [Section 3.1]
  • First Solid Food

    When I was 8 months, my first solid food was rice and soup. My grandma would always make it for me to make sure I was eating enough and gaining weight. [Section 4.2]
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    My mom told me that I was breastfed until I was about 18 months. She believed that breast milk was overall better and I never actually had formula. [Section 3.5]
  • Weight After 1 Year

    My parents said that after my first year, I weighed about 25 lbs. This was about triple the weight I was when I was born. [Section 4.1]
  • First Words

    When I was one years old, the first word I said was "momma." My mom said that she would keep repeating it to me and I began saying it when I looked at her. I also began saying "ba-bye" while waving. [Section 4.6]
  • First Steps

    Briefly after I turned one years of age, I took my first steps. My parents were both present as I walked from my dad to my mom without any support. This was a milestone that my parents caught on tape. [Section 5.1]
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    Play Time

    My parents said that from age 1 to about 4, they would bring me around my cousins that were about my age for me to play with them. It would either be at my uncle's house or our house and we would engage in what seemed to be simple social play. [Section 5.7]
  • Potty Trained

    My parents began potty training me right before I turned 2 years old. They said that they would set a routine for me, or what they called time toileting. They also used my older brother as an example for me and made me watch him go to the bathroom. I was fully potty trained just after I turned 2 years old. [Section 5.2]
  • Right-Handed

    When I was 3 years old, this is when my parents confirmed I was right-handed. I began drawing with the markers in my right hand. Before this, I would grab things and reach out with my right hand. [Section 6.3]
  • Birth of my Younger Brother

    My younger brother was born when I was 5 years old. My parents said that I would always watch him and try to play with him, but I would get jealous and throw tantrums when the attention was solely on him. [Section 6.9]
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    When I was 5 years old, my parents enrolled me in soccer. This was my first team sport. When I was 9 years old, I started taekwondo. My balance, strength, and coordination were all better than it was in early childhood. I worked my way up to red belt. [Section 7.1]
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    Fights with my Older Brother

    My parents told me that when I was in my later half of grade school, my older brother and I would argue a lot. He was only two years older than me. They said that we would mainly argue over our toys, especially our WWE wrestling figures. [Section 7.7]
  • Puberty

    My voice began to change and get deeper right when I was 13 years old. This is also when I began growing underarm hair. This is when I noticed puberty starting. [Section 8.1]
  • First Time at a Christian Church

    During my freshman year of high school, I went to my first Christian church service with my family since my aunty invited us. This is where my Christian faith began. At the time, religion was not my highest priority, since my main focus was school and friendships. [Section 8.6]
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    Video Games

    Throughout my high school years, I would play Xbox with my friends after school or late at night before going to bed almost every day. I would play games like NBA2k, Call of Duty, and Fortnite. Along with enjoying the game itself, it was fun playing with or against my friends. Although some of the games included violence, it didn't affect me in a negative matter. [Section 8.7]
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    My First Job

    I got my first job at a movie theater when I was a junior in high school. I would only work three to four days a week after school in order to make extra "play" money. It didn't affect my grades or work ethic and I was still able to get A's in my classes. [Section 8.4]
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    I started college at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa straight after high school in 2017. I am currently working towards getting my BSN. My expected graduation date is 2021 which would allow me to get my "4-year" degree in 4 years. [Section 9.5]
  • Living at Home

    I didn't leave home for college so I am still living with my parents. I'm not ready to move on my own because I'm still in college and can't support myself just yet. I enjoy being around my family. [Section 9.8]