Elizabeth I
Elizabeth laid the ground work for a world empire. Elizabeth also was named the only supreme governor by an act of supremacy. The queen believed that war would be devastating but she couldn't avoid it with Spain. -
Edict of nates
The Edict of Nantes was signed in 1598. The sort of contract was signed by King Henry IV of France. The document granted Calvinists from France rights in the nation. -
Cardinal Richelieu
Cardinal Richelieu was clergyman and statesman. He was a Frenchman He was "elected" bishop in 1607. he was also elected secretary of foreign territories in 1616. -
Philip II
Philip II also know as the "Most Catholic King". His actions as king led to spectacular victories and losses. Philip was facing a growing opposing force from the dutch in north provinces led by William the silent. the struggle dragged on until 1609 when a truce of over 10 years ended the war with the Turks. -
Thirty years war
The thirty years war was mostly about religion. from 1618 through 1625 the conflict was mostly a German civil war. the German states fighting the Austrian Hapsburgs. As the name suggests the wars lasts thirty years from 1618 to 1648 -
English civil war
The English civil war was a series of civil wars. The sides were the parliamentarians or the round heads and the royalists or the cavaliers. the royalists were with royalty. The war lasted from 1642-1651. -
Louis XIV
Louis XIV also know as the "sun king" was the ruler of France from 1643 to his death in 1715. his reign in the king position was the longest. His reign is commonly associated with the greatest age of french culture -
Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell was an English military and political leader. He served as the protector of the common wealth. He did this from 1653 until his death in 1658 -
The Restoration
The restoration of the Stuart monarchy in the kingdom of England took place in 1660. This is when king Charles II returned from exile in Europe -
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Jean Baptiste Colbert was a well recognized politician. He served as the minister of finances for France from 1661 to his death in 1683. He was born 1619 and died 1683. Which was under the rule King Louis XIV -
Peter the great
Peter the great was also know as Peter I. He ruled the Russian empire from 1682 until his death in 1725. During his reign he initiated a wide range of military reforms. this ended traditionalism in Russia and started westernization. -
Glorious revolution
The glorious revolution was when William of Orange dethroned James II in 1688. This event balanced the power of the English constitution. -
English bill of rights
The English bill of rights is an act that English parliament passed 1689. this act limits the power of king and queen. -
War of Spanish succession
The War of Spanish succession took place from 1701 through 1714. The argument stemmed by the death of the childless Charles II the problem being that they needed to decide who would be the heir to the throne.