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Rowe World World II Timeline

  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
  • Neutrality Acts of the US

    Neutrality Acts of the US
  • Italy takes over Ethopia

    Italy takes over Ethopia
  • Hitler enters France

    Hitler enters France
  • Anschluss of Austria

    Anschluss of Austria
    The Anschluss of union of Austria and Germany was demanded by Hitler, it violated the Versailles treaty and started a brief war,
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    The Munich Conference was when Britain and France chose appeasement and made the Czechs surrender.
  • Hitler takes over Czecholsovakia

    Hitler takes over Czecholsovakia
    The Nazi Soviet Pact bound Hitler and Stalin to peaceful relations. They divided up poland and other parts of Eastern Europe.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

  • Invasion of Poland

  • Genesis of WWII

  • Hitler launches blitzkreig on Norway and Belgium

    Hitler launches blitzkreig on Norway and Belgium
    Hitler orders a blitzkreig or "lighting war" on Norway and Belgium.
  • Hitler slams Netherlands and Belgium

    Hitler slams Netherlands and Belgium
  • Germany enteres France

    Germany enteres France
  • France Falls

    France Falls
  • Period: to

    Operation Sea Lion and Blits on London.

    Hitler invades britain.
  • Axis powers take over North Africa and the Balakns

    Axis powers take over North Africa and the Balakns
  • Operation Sea Lion fails.

    Operation Sea Lion fails.
  • Hitler enacts Operation Barbossa

    Hitler enacts Operation Barbossa
    Hitler breaks the Nazi-Soviet Pact and invades Soviet Union. He wanted There natural resources.
  • Germanys Siege of Leningrad

    Germanys Siege of Leningrad
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    The reason America entered WWII. 2400 people killed.
  • U.S declares war on Japan.

    U.S declares war on Japan.
  • Gedrmany and Italy declare war on the US

    Gedrmany and Italy declare war on the US
  • Japan loses the Battle of the Coral Sea

    Japan loses the Battle of the Coral Sea
    This allowed the US to move north.
  • Japan loses the Battle of Midway

    Japan loses the Battle of Midway
  • Hitler launches new offensive on Stalingrad

    Hitler launches new offensive on Stalingrad
  • The "Big 3" meet

    The "Big 3" meet
    Winston Churchill(England), F.D.R(USA), and Joseph Stalin(Russia) meet and decide to fioght the war in Europe then Japan.
  • Germany surrenders to Stalingrad

    Germany surrenders to Stalingrad
  • Allies seize North Africa

    Allies seize North Africa
  • Itallians surrender to allies

    Itallians surrender to allies
  • Kamikaze Missions

    Kamikaze Missions
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Big 3 decided to fight Japan/
  • D-day Assault

    D-day Assault
    US invades France and defeats the Germans
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
  • Cold war begins

    Cold war begins
  • Battle of Iwojima

    Battle of Iwojima
  • British and American forces cross Rhine/Battle of Okinawa

    British and American forces cross Rhine/Battle of Okinawa
  • F.R.D dies, Trueman becomes president

  • Charter of the United Nations

    Charter of the United Nations
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
  • V-E Day

    The victory in Europe.
  • First test of the Manhattan Project/Trueman warns Japan to surrender

    Trueman warbed japan about this project. It was a code name for the a-bomb.
  • Period: to

    US drops a bomb on Heroshima and Nagasaki

    US drops a bomb on Heroshima and Nagasaki after Japan refuses to surrender twice.
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
  • Formal peace treaty signed on the American Battleship Missouri

  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
  • Truman Doctrine adopted

    Truman Doctrine adopted
    A doctrine written to contain communism.
  • Marshall Plan enacted

    Marshall Plan enacted
    The US offered money/ aid packages to help countries rebuild to beat communism,
  • The Division of Germany

    The Division of Germany
    The soviets controlled East Germany.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
  • NATO signed

    NATO signed
    Countries pledged to help another if any one of them were attacked.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The soviets responded to NATO and formed their own millitary alliances.