
Rosemary Brown

By akasha
  • Rosmary" birth date

    Rosemary Brown was bron on June 17, 1930.
  • Rosemary's move

    Rosemary lived in Kingston, Jamaica in 1930 until 1950 when she moved to Montreal, Canada.
    she didnt move on January 1st. She moved in the year of 1950.
  • canadian federal party

    In 1975, Rosemary was the first black women to run the leader of canadian felderal party. 41% of the votes on the fourth and final ballot.
  • Chief Commissioner

    In 1993, she was made Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission. It stayed that way untill 1996
  • canadian security intellegence

    she was a member of the canadian security intellegence review comitte from 1993-1998
  • awarded

    In 1995, she was awarded the order of british columbia and in 1996 she was named an officerof the order of canada.
  • Rosemary's death

    Rosemary died of a heart attack on April 26, 2003