rose for emily

  • Family Issues

    Issues with Emily's family. Emily's father and her aunt stopped communicating.Wyatt became crazy
  • Emilys father died

    Emily's father died in 1892, HIs family doesn't show up to his funeral because of past family issues
  • Taxes

    Emilys taxes were remitted,Colonel Sartoris took away her taxes because he felt bad for her.
  • Homer

    Emily met homer, she seemed happy. The towns people were happy at first but could still see her grief
  • Arsenic

    Emily went to the store to buy arsenic, the clerk was suspicious and asked what she need it for. Emily didn't say a word and stared him down till she got what she wanted.
  • homer dies

    homer dies because emily poisons him with the poison she bought
  • painting lessons

    emily teaches little kids to paint china
  • aldermen

    aldermen tries to collect emily's taxes. Emily refused to let them be collected.
  • lime

    they sprinkle lime around emily's house because of the stench
  • emily dies

    Emily dies, she died of old age at 73