Rosa Parks Life

  • Born

    Tuskegee, Alabama
  • Period: to


    Attended Montgomery Industrial School in Montgomery, Alabama
  • Married

    Married Raymond A. Parks
  • Advisor

    Youth council of the NAACP Montgomery Alabama branch
  • Arrested

    Charged with violating segregation laws by refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger.
  • Moved to Detroit, Michigan

    participated in the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom
  • Period: to


    Worked in John Conyer's district office in Detroit,Michigan
  • Rosa and Raymond Parks Insitute

    Founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for self development
  • Book

    Published with Jim Haskins "Rosa Parks: My Story"
  • Award

    Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom
  • Award

    Awarded the Congressional Gold Medal
  • Died

    Detroit, Michigan