Early life
Rosa Parks was born in Alabama on February 4th, 1913. Her original name was Rosa Louise McCouley. Her mom, Leona, was a teacher and her father, James, was a carpenter. One of her great-grandfather was Scots-Irish and one great-grandmother was a slave of Native American descent. She also suffered from medical conditions. When her parents separated she moved in with her mom to Pile Level. Growing up as a black kid, she was bullied my the white children in her neighborhood. -
Bus Boycott
Everyday the bus would pass by to pick up people and drop them off to the place they want to go to. The bus is divided into parts, the first four seats are for the whites and the blacks used to sit at the back. If they white-seats were all taken and there was one man without a seat, the bus driver could move or even remove the blacks from the bus. One day, Rosa Parks broke the rules and sat in the front seat. All the white seats were taken and they were three standing, but she refused to get up. -
Her Legacy
-1976, Detroit renamed 12th Street "Rosa Parks Boulevard."
-1979, the NAACP awarded Parks the Spingarn Medal, its highest honor.
-1980, she received the Martin Luther King Jr. Award.
-1992, she received the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award along with Benjamin Spock and others at the Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston, Massachusetts.
-1999, she received the Windsor–Detroit International Freedom Festival Freedom Award.
-2014, an asteroid Rosaparks was named after Rosa Parks.