Rosa Parks

By KimCM
  • NAACP Founded

    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People formed
  • Rosa Parks born

    Rosa Parks was born
  • Rosa got married

    Rosa married Raymond Parks a longtime member of the NAACP.
  • First encounter with James Blake

    Her first encounter with driver James Blake occurred in 1943. She payed her fare and attempted to board the front of the bus. Blake refused to let her in and tried to force her to use back entrance. When things turned physical Parks just exited the bus.
  • Joined NAACP

    In 1943 Parks joined the NAACP and became chapter secretary.
  • Trial

    Rosa was found guilty of violating segregation laws by not moving when asked.
  • Bus boycott

    Bus boycott in support of Rosa Parks began.
  • Refused to move

    Rosa was one of four people seated in the first row of seats designated for colored people. They were all asked to move by driver James Blake to make room for white people who were standing.
  • MIA created

    the MIA is the Montgomery Improvement Association which was formed to manage the bus boycott. Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr was named president.
  • Supreme Court Ruling

    The Supreme Court ruled that bus segregation was unconstitutional.
  • Boycott ended

    Bus boycott ends after written legislation is received in Montgomery Alabama.