
Rosa Parks

  • Birth

    Rosa Parks was born February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee Alabama
  • Education

    Graduated from Booker T. Washington Junior high school at the age of 15
  • Marriage

    She married a local barber named Raymond A. Parks in 1932.

    She served as a secretary of a local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. She joined in 1943.
  • Standing up

    Standing up
    Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama to a white man and she was arrested.
  • End of bus segregation

    End of bus segregation
    Supreme Court ordered that bus segregation be banned. Boycott of buses ended.
  • Move to Detroit

    Move to Detroit
    In 1957, Parks moved with her husband to Detroit because of many threats in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • Husband's Death

    Husband's Death
    Raymond Parks died in 1977.
  • Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Develpment

    Rosa and Raymond ParksShe formed this with her husband to help the unpriviledged youth.
  • John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

    John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
    Parks was honored here for all of her accomplishments.
  • Million Man March

    rosa at marchShe participated in this event in Washington, D.C. and gave an inspirational speech.
  • Awards

    She recived the first International Freedom Conductor Award.
  • Congressional Gold Medal

    Congressional Gold Medal
    She recieved this high honor from Bill Clinton.
  • Rosa Parks Library and Museum

    Rosa Parks Library and Museum
    This 50,000 square foot library and museum opened in Montgomery, Alabama. It features a sculpture of Parks.
  • Death
