Rosa Parks

  • Rosa Parks Birth

    Rosa Parks Birth
    Rosa Louise McCauley was born in Tuskegee, Alabama.
  • Rosa Parks Marrige

    Rosa Parks Marrige
    Rosa Parks marries Raymond Parks, a barber, at only age 19.
  • Rosa's Graduation

    Rosa's Graduation
    Rosa Receives her high school diploma with the help and encouragement of her husband Raymond Parks. (date not exact)
  • Recieves award

    Recieves award
    Rosa Parks finally receives certificate for voting after three attempts.(date not exact)
  • Meeting Martin Luther King

    Meeting Martin Luther King
    Rosa Parks meets Martin Luther King.(date not exact)
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    Rosa Parks is arrested in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give her seat on the bus to a white passenger. She is arrested, fingerprinted, jailed by police and fined $14.
  • Rosas Trial

    Rosas Trial
    Rosa stands in trial and is found guilty of breaking the segregation laws.
  • Buses are desegregated

    Buses are desegregated
    The Montegomery bjses are desegregated and vlack passangers could legally take any seat on the buses.
  • The March

    The March
    King and 25,000 other protestors, including Rosa Parks, march from Selma to Montgomery for voting rights.
  • Her husbands death

    Her husbands death
    Rosa Park's husband, Raymond Parks, 74, dies of cancer.
  • Rosas Spingam Medal

    Rosas Spingam Medal
    Rosa Parks receives NAACP's Spingam Medal.(date not exact)
  • Retires from Conyers Detroit office

    Retires from Conyers Detroit office
    Rosa Parks retires from Congressman John Conyers' office.(date not exact)
  • Rosas First book

    Rosas First book
    Rosa publishes her first book, "Rosa Parks My Story" date not exact)
  • the medal of freedom

    the medal of freedom
    Rosa Parks receives the Medal of Freedom President Bill Clinton. (date not exact)
  • Rosas death

    Rosas death
    Rosa Parks dies in her Detroit home.
  • rosas funeral

    rosas funeral
    Rosa Parks' funeral service, seven hours long, was held at the Greater Grace Temple Church.