In the Neolithic era, they used to build their houses with adobe and stone, the shape of the rooms they build used to be circular or squared. The roof is made up of straw, tree branches, etc. -
In the Mesolíthic era thought they started building the first huts next to the rivers and leaving the caves. These huts were build with wood sticks and covered with dead skin and leaves. During the summer season, they build them with natural elements that they had in their surroundings like branches, animal skin, etc. That covered them from the sunlight and of the dangerous animals. -
In the Paleolithic, our ancestors used to live in caves during the winter season to protect themselves from the rain, the cold, and the snow. -
It was also known as the edad de hierro, the houses of the poor people used to be made of adobe and straw. The houses of the rich people though used to be made of stone and brick. They had a hole on the roof and they used it as a chimney. This era is the one that iron is discovered and they used it to create weapons and tools. -
The metallurgy is developed and the houses share an exterior world and they’re separated by walls. The socle is made of stone and the walls are made of adobe. The interior walls of the house are decorated with paint. The copper it was one of the first metals that the human being ever used in its natural state for farming tools. -
The houses were made with stone and wood, in some ocasions they were made with adobe too and ladrillo. The rooms were organized in a way which made that there was a central space and the bed rooms on the sides, also, there were not much windows in the moisacos. The celtics though used to live inside castros which were circular and distrubured in a very disorganized way. The houses were amuralladas. The material that was used during this era was stone, wood and paja. But most of the houses were -
It started in the year 476 and the houses in that period were placed in rural spaces, The rooms were simple and small. They were all made by wood, adobe and stone.
They usually had their room at the top of the building and then the shop at the bottom of it. -
Apr 30, 1400
En the Renaissance era, especially during the XVI century, the most developed building was the kingdom.
Rooms were big, and plenty of detail, of Greek and Roman antiquity. The rooms were made by wood and some stone. -
In barroco, the most building were Hotels, all the rooms were tidy and full fitted out. It also had a lot of details. Houses were also fully fitted out. -
During this time period they lived in small villages. The rooms were made of wood and some small pieces of iron. Also other rooms were made of bricks but the material changed and they made adobe bricks. Rooms began to actualize for accommodations and fitted out more furniture. -
In that age, the rooms started to be rectangular. The materials were made with better quality, like Pinewood and ciment. Rooms inside began to be more detailed, and with more furniture for acomodations. -
During this period, materials changed a lot, rooms began to have different perspectives, and different utilities. Some materials are the same but others are new. Brick, stone, Drywall, and wood. And others that are more sophisticated.