Ronald reagan

Ronald Reagan

  • Assassination Attempt

    Assassination Attempt
    Reagan was shot in the chest leaving a hotel. He made a full recovery. John Hinckley is assassin.
  • Sandra Day Oconnor

    Sandra Day Oconnor
    First female justice on the supreme court
  • Fiscal 1984 Budget

    Fiscal 1984 Budget
    Reagan beleived in tax cuts and increased defense spendings. The country had more than 9 million people unemployed.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    Strategic Arms Initiaitve. Spent more on defense the both Vietnam and Korean War combined.
  • Korean Flight KAL 007

    Korean Flight KAL 007
    Soviet Fighter shoots down commercial airline. Kills 269 and 61 Americans. Reagan calls it a crime against humanity.
  • Invade Grenade

    US troops invade to protect medical students and oust Marxists
  • Challenger

    Six astronauts die in explosin shortly after take off
  • Libya Air Strikes

    Ronald Reagan ordered air strikes on Libya in retaliation to bombing of west Berlin disco.
  • INF Treaty

    INF Treaty
    First Arms Control agreement since SALT 1
  • Berlin Wall Comes Down

    Berlin Wall Comes Down