Jack Reagan father of Ronald Reagan was born on July 13 1883 and died on May 18 1941 at the age of 57. When Ronald was born Jack worked at a shoe store in Tampico, Illinois. -
Nelle Wilson Reagan mother of Ronald Reagan Born on July 24 1883 and died July 25, 1962 -
His brother Neil Reagan was born on September 16, 1908 and died December 11, 1996. He was also an actor. -
He was born in Tampico IL, and spent his early life playing football and being a lifeguard during highschool, while his family moved a lot they settled down and his father opened up a shoe shop. -
Her name is Nancy Reagan and she was born on July, 6 1921 in Manhattan New York and died March 6 2016. She married Ronald on March 4 1952. -
He went to Dixon High School and Eureka College -
Ronald had several children one of them being Ron Reagan being sixty years old right now. -
Ronald was one of the key components to ending the cold war. -
He spent his time making his memoirs and looking after the construction of the Ronald Reagan library. -
He died to Pneumonia at the age of 93 years old, in Los Angeles, California..