Ron, Eric, Montonio

By R0nman
  • The internet is really boring

    The first I.M.P was connected to the first host in UCLA. Around this time was when the internet actually became a thing.
  • Metacalfe Law 1972

    Robert Metcalfe invented and Ethernet to found 3Com. He is also the progenitor of Metacalfe Law that makes the number of users on a network that grows in value exponentially
  • The I.B.M

    Because of this event, P.C's became major business tools.
  • "You've got mail" 1985

    Control video hired Steve Case who helped market fledgling gaming services who pushed the company farther into interactivity and communication with the catchphrase "You've got mail".
  • Web War 1995

    Netscape Navigator browser dominated the market. Miscrosoft agressive new approcah to the internet is known in the inudtsry as Pearl Harbor Day
  • Google it 1998

    Sergey Brin and Larry Page unveiled their prototype and gave it the name Google. Today Google dominated the search engine business.
  • Circle digital life 2002

    Social network really hits its first stride with the launch of friendster.
  • Serious social media

    Linkedin took a more serious approach in 2003 when it was launch. Its still a networking resource for business people who want to connect with other professionals.
  • Myspace 2003

    In 2003 Myspace had launched and was once the perennial favorite. They had tried to focus on the younger generation to compete with Friendster. They used music, videos, photos to attract the younger generations.
  • Facebook 2004

    Facebook had launched in 2004 and a Harvard only exercise and remained a campus oritated site for two full years before finally openeing to the general public in 2006.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was launched in 2006 to get simple thoughts in 140 characters
  • Instagram

    Instagram was launched in 2010 to focus on photos, events, and vidoes.