Oct 15, 1547
First ruler of Russia
The Muscovite ruler was known as an emperor by Maximilian the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1514. However, the first Russian ruler to be formally crowned as "Czar of all Russia" was Ivan until then known as Grand Prince of all Russia. -
The Romanov's
The Romanov's ruled Russia for three hundred years straight thru 1613 all the way to 1917. The Romanov's created so much power within those years. -
Micheal Romanov
Michael of Russia became the first Russian Csar of the house of Romanov after the zemskiy sobor of 1613 elected him to rule the Tsardom of Russia. He was the son of Feodor Nikitich Romanov and of Xenia. -
The Power
The Romanov's reduced power of the landowners by recruiting members of lower ranking into royal positions and for that there power kept on going . -
Nicholas during he ruled
Nicholas also faced domestic problems the Russian industrial employee worked on an 11 hour day 10 hours on Saturday conditions in the factories were really harsh and little concern was shown for the workers health and safety. -
During the Romanov's
The Romanov ordered nobles to wear western fashion and opened schools of navigation of arts and science. He had a lot of power and connections to make all this happen . -
How long the Romanov's ruled
The Romanov dynasty began in 1613 when Mikhail Feodorovich was elected sovereign of all of Russia It came to a brutal end 300 years later with the murder of Nicholas the second by the Bolsheviks. -
Romanov Dynasty
The house of Romanov was the second dynasty after the House of Rurik to rule over Russia and reigned from 1613 until the abdication of Czar Nicholas the second on March 15, 1917 as a result of the February revolution. -
How the Romanov's were killed and why
The Czar appointed by god had many followers If Nicholas escaped then his followers would have had someone at their head to lead them against Lenin In the summer of the 1918 Ekateringburg was threatened by the whites. The decision was taken by the Bolsheviks to kill Nicholas and his family. -
Nicholas the second
Nicholas the second was the last Czar of Russia under Romanov rule his poor handling of bloody sunday and Russia's role in World War led to his abdication and execution.