act 1 scene 1
lady Capulet is in twon when she finds out that her servent started a fight with the Montague servents. the prince comes and yells at all of them for causing a sean and tells them to stop or their be punished. -
act 1 scene 2
lady capulet goes back to the house to teach the servents a lession -
act 1 scene 3
calls Juliet and talks to her about the idea of getting married. has the nurse with her to hear the conversation -
act 1 scene 4
Lady Capulet is inside the house getting ready for the ball their having. she cheacks on her husband to make sure he is looking good for the guest -
act 1 scene 5
lady capulet and husband enter the party with their cuosin and some other finds of the family. she stand next to her husband for a little bit as he talks but she goes off to talk to some women. lord and lady capulet dance latter on in the night. they say goodbye to their guess. she is about to go upstares to go to bed and wonders where juleit is and calls her off to bed, she comes running for a few rooms away -
act 2 scene 1
lady capuleit is upstairs and got changede iinto her sleeping wear. -
act 2 scene 2
in bed with lord capuleit and talked about the wonderful night they had. she is about to go to sleep she hears the nurse calling juleit but doesn't get up because she knows it is nothing to worry about -
act 2 scene 3
get up early in the mornning to make breakfast. let juleit sleep in and then make her a special breakfast -
act 2 scene 4
Lady Capuleit was vised Paris with my husband to see how he felt after the party lastnight. we get told that he never got to meet Juleit and that she was pulled away by someone who rushed out as soon as juleit was being called by her mother. -
act 2 scene 5
that afternoon when we got back i was with my husband in the kitchen talking about how we would deal with juleit and the mysereas guy she met that night when she was suposted to met Paris -
act 3 scene 1
i when back into town after my nap to pick up some things for the lord and i when i hear a bunch of loud nouse and screaming. i walked over to see what it was only to find out that Tybalt was killed by Romeo; a boy who i thought was a good kid. i was told that it was our dear ousin who started this fight but i didnt beleive them i demaded justis for what has happen. the prince banished rome on if he came back he would be killed. -
act 3 scene 2
we when back to the house to tell the nurse of what has happen and to have her tell our wonderful daughter for the sad news. we heasr screaming and crying from her room but i am too sad and full of tears to come in and comfort her right now so i decide to talk to my husband to see what hecan do for her. -
act 3 scene 3
it was late that night and after hours of crying i finaly decide that it would be best if we all go to bed and see what comes of tomorrow morning. -
act 2 scene 6
later on in the aftornoon i was tiered so i decide to take a nap i faintly heard Juleit runnig down the hall with the nures but i am not to sure because i was too sleepy. -
act 3 scene 4
in the middel of the night we got woken up by one of tghe ser4vents telliung us that thereis someone downstairs to see us. we go down stairs to find ou that it is paris. lord capulit talks to him about marreing his daught Juleit.lord ask if i would ask juleit on how she feels but i say tomorrow morning she is too sad right now. lord decides to have him marry her on thursday. -
act 3 scene 5
in the morning i go to see Juleit to talk to her and see how she feels. i tellher that she has cried too much for Tybolt and that we will get vengens for what Rome has done to this family. i tell her that her father has helped her end her sorrow by finging her a husband. he has aranged the marrage to be this thursday comeing up. juliet refuses the marrage with Paris. lord gets mad and says if she doesn't want his help then she can leave the house and life on her own. -
act 4 scene 3
later that night i went to Juliet's room to see how she was. i wished her a good night sleep for tomorrow. -
act 4 scene 1
later on in the day i talk to my husband about what he said to Juliet. i tell him that he should make it right by her but no he has to be stubborn so we fight instead. i leave the room being pissed off at him and decied to go for a walk -
act 4 scene 2
i went back to the house last at night to find my husband making planes for the wedding. i tell him that he needs to wait till thursday to be making all of these big planes and arrangements. -
act 4 scene 4
i go in Juliet's room early in the morning to get her up so she doesn't miss her wedding. -
act 4 scene 5
i hear screaming from Juliet's room so i ran in. i found from the nurse crying. she told me that Juliet is dead. the wedding got canceled and instead we had a funeral. -
act 5 scene 1
after the funeral i couldn't do anything for the rest of the day. i laid in bed and just cried in the comfort of my husbands arms. -
act 5 scene 2
i started to notice that it was getting later so i decided to have some friends of the family come over and we can all just eat and talk about the good times. -
act 5 scene 3
it has been about three hours since we had our friends over.we decided that maybe we would take a trip over to the crypt. we started to walk over and it was just becoming dawn of the new day. -
act 5 scene 3 pt. 2
as we were walking over people were crying the names "Juliet", "Romeo", and some "Paris" we rush into the crypt to see why. when we go in we find Juliet with a dagger in her covered in blood and Romeo next to her. Prince and the Montague's come in and witness was we see too. Prince points out that because of our families fighting we have both lost the only thing in our world that means the most to us. we set aside our differences and come together we dedicate a statue to our kids.