
  • 1780-1850

    In 1845, The raven poem was published.
    1780s-1840s, Industrial revolution changed the way of life and using machines and people worked from farms to factories
  • William Pitt

    William Pitt
    William Pitt the younger: williams father led Britain through the seven years war. William Pitt was born on 28 May 1759 in Kent.. In early 1781, he was elected to parliament aged 21. In 1782, he became chancellor of the exchequer. The following years were marked by the battle between George III and the radical Charles Fox, whom the king detested. Matters deteriorated when Fox forged an alliance with the previously loyal Lord North. George was forced to ask them to take control.
  • 1790

    William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge published "Tintern Abbey" and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" anonymously in the book Lyrical Ballads.
  • 1790

    British diplomats assemble Second Coalition (Britain, Austria, and Russia) hoping to drive Napoleon away.
  • 1790

    Coup d'etat establishes Napoleon dictator of France.
  • 1800-1807

    1800: Dorothy Words worth begins keeping Grasmere Journals. 1800: Act of Union passed, creating United Kingdom of GB and Ireland.
    1805: British fleet defeats Napoleon's navy in Battle of Trafalgar. 1807: British slave trade abolished.
  • 1810's

    1811: Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility published anonymously. 1812: Lord Byron wins fame with first two sections of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. 1813: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice published anonymously. 1814: Sir Walter Scott anonymously publishes Waverly. 1811: George 3 declared permanently insane; eldest son of George, Prince of Wales, named regent. 1812: Britain fights United States in War of 1812. 1815: British and Prussian armies under British leader Wellington defeat Napoleon.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon escaped Elba and sailed to the French mainland. He then returned to Paris. He was then welcomed by the cheering crowd. Napoleon the began what came to be known as his Hundred Day Campaign. Napoleon raised a new army and planned to strike preemptively. The French were crushed by the British. Napoleon was exiled and shortly after died.
  • 1820's

    1821: John Keats, age 25, dies of tuberculosis. 1822:Percy Bysshe Shelley, age 29, drowns in Italy. 1823: Lord Byron joins Greek War for liberation from Turks. 1824: Byron, age 36, dies of a fever. 1820: Regency ends with death of George 3 and crowning of Wales as George 4. 1821: George Stephenson begins work on first railroad. 1829: First water-purification plant built in London.
  • 1830-1832

    George 4 dies, reign of William 4 begins. 1832: First Reform Bill extends voting rights to middle class men.
  • Citations pt. 1

    Anirudh. “10 most famous poems of the romanticism.”learnodo newton, september 29,2017, Shmoop Editorial Team. "Romanticism Timeline." Shmoop. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 25 Oct. 2019, Applebee,Arthur, Bermudez,Andrea.“The flowering of Romanticism.” the language of literature, british literature. Littel,Mcdougal,2006.