

By 45972
  • Census

    SECOND CENSUS: U.S. population totals 5.3 million, including one million
    African Americans, of whom 900,000 are enslaved.
  • Capital

    Federal capital moves from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.
  • Virginia Laws

    Virginia bans gathering of slaves at sunset for religious worship.
  • Period: to

    Historical Events

    Historical Events in the Romanticism period.
  • Jefferson/Burr

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr (Demo-cratic-Republican) defeat John Adams and Charles Pinckney (Federalist).
  • WAR

    Tripoli declares war on U.S.; Jefferson sends naval ships to Mediterranean Sea.
  • Tie

    Jefferson-Burr tie forces election into House of Representatives (since candidates were not nominated separately for president and vice-president); Jefferson is elected in 36 ballots.
  • congress

    Alien and Sedition Acts are allowed to expire by Congress.
  • Louis and Clark

    Louis and Clark expedition begins in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Louisiana

    LOUISIANA TERRITORY is purchased from France for $15 million.
  • constitutionality

    Supreme Court declares its right to review constitutionality of acts of Congress
  • Ohio

    Ohio enters Union as 17th state.
  • Jefferson/Clinton

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Jefferson is re-elected
    president and George Clinton elected vice president.
  • 12th Amendment

    Twelfth Amendment is ratified, providing for separate
    election of president and vice president.
  • WAR end

    Barbary War with Tripoli ends after U.S. troops capture Darna.
  • Lewis and Clark end

    Lewis and Clark expedition ends with successful return to St. Louis.
  • random

    Zebulon Pike discovers mountain later known as Pike’s Peak (CO).
    N. Webster publishes Compendious Dictionary of the English Language.
  • Embargo Act

    Congress passes Embargo Act in response to British and French
    interference with U.S. trade.
  • Slaves

    Importation of African slaves is banned by Congress.
  • Madison/Clinton

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: James Madison and George Clinton
    are elected president and vice president (Democratic-Republican).
  • Census

    THIRD CENSUS: U.S. population totals 7.2 million, including 1.4 million African Americans, of whom 1.2 million are enslaved.
  • WAR

    WAR OF 1812 begins as U.S. declares war on Great Britain over issues of borders, trade, freedom of the seas, and the rights of neutrals. Indians under Tecumseh fight on British side.
  • Madison/Gerry

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: James Madison and Elbridge Gerry are elected president and vice president (Democratic-Republican).
  • Louisiana

    Louisiana enters Union as 18th state.
  • Battle

    U.S. defeats British at the Battle of the Thames (in which
    Tecumseh is killed). British burn Buffalo, New York.
  • BURN

    British burn Washington, DC, including the White House.
  • WAR end

    WAR ENDS with signing of Treaty of Ghent.
  • Last Battle

    British are defeated at the Battle of New Orleans (two weeks after Treaty of Ghent is signed).
  • Monroe/Tompkins

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: James Monroe and Daniel Tompkins are elected president and vice-president (Democratic-Republican).
  • Tariff

    Congress passes the first tariff that is intended to protect U.S. industry rather than raise revenue.
  • Indiana

    Indiana enters Union as 19th state.
  • Mississippi

    Mississippi enters Union as 20th state.
  • Illinois

    Illinois enters Union as 21st state.
  • Alabama

    Alabama enters union as 22nd state.
  • implied power

    Supreme Court upholds right of federal government to charter a national bank, thus affirming that
    it holds “implied powers” beyond those stated in the Constitution
  • Florida

    U.S. acquires Florida from Spain by treaty
  • Census

    FOURTH CENSUS: U.S. population totals 10 million, including 1.7 million African Americans, of whom 1.5 million are enslaved.
  • Missouri Compromise

    MISSOURI COMPROMISE is passed by Congress. Maine is admitted as a free state (23rd) and
    Missouri as a slave state (24th). Slavery is banned in Louisiana Territory north of 36°30′.
  • texas

    First American settlers (300 families) arrive in Texas.
  • high school

    First public high school opens in Boston.
  • cotton mills

    Cotton mills with women workers begin production in Lowell, Mass.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    MONROE DOCTRINE announced: U.S. warns Europe not to interfere in Western Hemisphere
    affairs and proclaims intention to remain uninvolved in European wars.
  • Calhoun

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: None of the four candidates receives majority of electoral
    votes; John Calhoun is elected vice president (Democratic-Republican).
  • Adams

    John Quincy Adams (Natl. Rep.) is elected president by House of Rep.
  • Adams & Jefferson

    John Adams & Thomas Jefferson die on July 4, the 50th anniversary of the
    Declaration of Independence.
  • Califonia

    California becomes a Mexican province.
  • Jackson/Calhoun

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Democratic Party is established; Andrew Jackson is elected as
    first Democratic president; John Calhoun is re-elected vice president (Democratic-Republican).
  • "Tariff of Abominations"

    “Tariff of Abominations” is passed by Congress to intense hostility from Southern states.
  • Slavery

    Slavery is abolished in Mexico.
  • Spoils

    Andrew Jackson introduces spoils system into national politics
  • Census

    FIFTH CENSUS: U.S. population totals 13 million, including 2.3 million
    African Americans, of whom 2 million are enslaved.
  • Indian Removal

    INDIAN REMOVAL BILL is passed by Congress to forcibly resettle
    southeastern Indian tribes to territory west of the Mississippi River.
  • Nat Rebellion

    NAT TURNER’S REBELLION (Virginia): about 60 white people killed. Turner is executed.
  • Nullification

    South Carolina passes Ordinance of Nullification to void the tariff acts of 1828 and 1832.
  • Jackson/Buren

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Jackson is re-elected president
    and Martin Van Buren elected vice president (Democratic).
  • bank WAR

    Jackson’s “Bank War” begins when he orders funds withdrawn from the
    National Bank and deposited into “pet” state banks.
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill is passed by Congress, giving Jackson power to use the military
    to enforce tariff laws.
  • Slavery

    Slavery is abolished in the British Empire.
  • Texas

    TEXAS REVOLUTION begins when Mexico rejects Texans’ petition for statehood;
  • gag rule

    Gag rule is passed by Congress to prevent abolitionist petitions from being considered.
  • texas

    Texas declares independence from Mexico; siege of the Alamo.
  • arkansas

    Arkansas enters Union as 25th state.
  • Buren/Johnson

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Martin Van Buren (Dem.) is elected president. Richard Johnson
    (Dem.) is elected vice president by the Senate since no candidate received an electoral majority.
  • Michigan

    Michigan enters Union as 26th state.
  • trail of tears

    “TRAIL OF TEARS”: Cherokees are forcibly removed from Georgia to Indian
    Territory in present-day Oklahoma.
  • underground railroad

    Routes later known as Underground Railroad begin to be established
  • school

    First “normal” school opens with a teacher training program (Mass.).
  • Census

    SIXTH CENSUS: U.S. population totals 17 million, including
    3 million African Americans, of whom 2.5 million are enslaved.
  • Harrison/Tyler

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: William Henry Harrison and
    John Tyler are elected president and vice president (Whig Party).
  • Tyler

    Harrison dies after one month in office; John Tyler becomes president.
  • capture slaves

    Supreme Court rules that state laws prohibiting the capture and return of
    fugitive slaves are unconstitutional
  • 10 hour work day

    Massachusetts enacts ten-hour work day for children under 12.
  • telegraph

    Morse sends first telegraph message (from Baltimore to Washington, DC):
    “What hath God wrought!”
  • Florida

    Florida enters Union as 27th state
  • texas

    Texas enters Union as 28th state
  • irish

    Irish potato famine begins; 1.5 million Irish emigrate to U.S. in the next decade.
  • Mexican WAR

    MEXICAN WAR begins; Congress declares war after Mexican troops
    attack U.S. troops in disputed territory north of the Rio Grande.
  • Iowa

    Iowa enters Union as 29th state.
  • Battle

    U.S. forces defeat Mexican army at Veracruz and Mexico City
  • Mexican WAR ends

    MEXICAN WAR ends officially by treaty.
  • GOLD

    California Gold Rush begins
  • Wisconsin

    Wisconsin enters Union as 30th state.
  • Taylor/Filmore

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Zachary Taylor and Millard Filmore elected president and
    vice president (Whig Party).
  • Census

    SEVENTH CENSUS: U.S. population totals 23.2 million, including 3.5 million
    African Americans, of whom 3 million are enslaved.
  • compromise

    COMPROMISE OF 1850 allows residents of New Mexico and Utah territories
    to permit or ban slavery
  • California

    admits California as a free state (31st)
  • Fillmore

    President Taylor dies; Millard Fillmore becomes president
  • Pierce/King

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Franklin Pierce and William King are elected
    president and vice president (Democratic Party).
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT passed by Congress, repealing the Missouri
    Compromise and allowing Kansas and Nebraska settlers to decide status of
    slavery in the territories.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    “BLEEDING KANSAS”: Intense local warfare erupts between pro- and anti-slavery settlers.
  • Buchanan/Breckenridge

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: James Buchanan and John Breckenridge are elected president
    and vice president (Democratic Party).
  • dred scott decision

    DRED SCOTT DECISION: Supreme Court holds that Congress has no power
    to regulate slavery in the territories, that African Americans are not citizens, and
    that residence in free territory does not confer freedom on enslaved persons.
  • Minnesota

    Minnesota enters Union as 32nd state.
  • Oregon

    Oregon enters Union as 33rd state.
  • Census

    SIXTH CENSUS: U.S. population totals 31
    million, African Americans, of whom 4 million are enslaved.
  • Lincoln/Hamlin

    PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin are elected president
    and vice president (Republican).
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina secedes from the Union, the first state to do so.