
Romantic Period Literary Events

By jt6cpfb
  • Beginning of the American Revolution

    Beginning of the American Revolution
    The Colonies declared their independence from Great Britain with the Declaration of Independence, thus beginning the American Revolution.
  • End of the American Revolution

    End of the American Revolution
    The Treaty of Paris is signed and the British remove all troops out of the newly formed United States of America.
  • William Blake publishes Songs of Innocence

    William Blake publishes Songs of Innocence
    William Blake publishes Songs of Innocence, showing a state of the human soul.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    This was time of violent radical social and political upheavel. The French were in a time of finicial crisis, political uproar, and the Third- Estate (the working class) wanted a change.
  • A Vindication of the Rihgts of Women published

  • Tales of Shakespeare published

  • Brothers Grimm publish Grimm's Fairytales

  • Jane Austen publishes Pride and Prejudice

  • Mary Shelley publishes Frankenstein

  • An American Dictionary of the English Language published

  • Victor Hugo publishes The Hunchback of Notre Dame

  • Slavery is abolished in the British Empire

    Slavery is abolished in the British Empire
    The British Empire declared slavery illegal and unhumane, and created the Slavery Abolition Act, freeing all slaves in the Empire with a few exceptions (all exceptions were later removed in 1843).