
Romantic Era

  • Boston Massare

    Boston Massare
    The Boston Massacre was a pivotal moment in turning colonial sentiment against the British monarchy and parliament.
  • Rebellion in Ireland

    Rebellion in Ireland
    This was when the Irish gentry tried to sieze controle of the English administration.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana from the French in 1803. Lewis and Clark explored the land soon after the purchase.
  • Napoleon crowned emporer

    Napoleon crowned emporer
    napoleon was a french military leader, then he became the king of Itally.
  • America delclares war on Britain

    America delclares war on Britain
    This war lasted for about two years.
  • Monroe becomes 5th president

    Monroe becomes 5th president
    Monroe was born in virginia, he fought in the revolutionary war. He was elected president in 1817 and retired in 1825.
  • Period: to

    Romaantic Eera

  • Beethoven finishes his Ninth Symphony

    Beethoven's Ninth SymphonyThis is Beethoven's last symphony he composes before he dies. It is still very well known today. This is one of the first symphonies to use voices along with instruments.
  • Franz list composes an opera

    We do not know the exact date but somehwere in late 1825 Franz List composed an opera called Don Sanche. It was only one act and first premiered in Paris. the audience had many different reactions from the new type of music.
  • Erie Canal Opened

    Erie Canal Opened
    The finished construction of the Erie Canal was finished on this date. It connected Buffalo and Albany, New York. New York was now conected to the West more after the opening.
  • Berloiz compposes Symphonie Fantastique

    Symphonie FantastiqueBerloiz composed this symphony and was performed in the same year. While he was traveling though he made the music better for when he performed it next. Berloiz looked up to Beethoven and it showed through this symphoy.
  • Morse Telegraph

    Samuel Morse invetedthe telegraph in 1835. He was teaching in New York while he invented the telegraph. 5 years later Congress paid to make the telegraph bigger and spread it across the nation.
  • California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush was from 1848 to 1855. Gold was found at theSutter's Mill by John Marshall. The finding of the gold brought many people to California and the United States in search of new riches and gold.
  • Darwin wrote the Orgin of Species

    Darwin wrote the Orgin of Species
    Darwin's book introduced the idea of natural selection.
  • Start of American Civil War

    Start of American Civil War
    The war lasted 4 years and ended on April 9,1865.
    America split into two pieces and eventually the North won.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish American War was from April 1898 to August 1898.The Americans sent a ship to Cuba and it was said that the Spanish sunk it causing the war to begin. This led to many other small wars afterwards.
  • Faure composes Requiem

    RequiemGabriel Faure composed Requiem in 1877. It was to be played at Catholic Masses when someone died. The music last about 37 minutes in all.