597 BCE
Events in Britain
Christian missionaries land in Kent: Christianity begins to spread among Anglo-Saxon -
Period: 400 BCE to 1400 BCE
Anglo-Saxon and Medieval periods
Events in Britain
The traditional date of the Anglo-Saxon invasion took place this year. -
Events in world
Mathematician in India calculates value of Pi. -
Events in the World
Justinian i becomes byzantine emperor -
Events around the world
The Prophet Muhammad conquers Mecca, which becomes known as the holiest city in all of Islam. -
Events in Britain
Surviving version of Beowulf probably composed -
Viking raids
Many viking raids took place during the Anglo-Saxon period and left many villages and kingdoms burnt to the ground destroyed. Many vikings stole jewelry and left many houses in shambles. -
Events in the World
All in the same year period, Charlemagne united most of Europe and was crowned Emperor of of the Holy Roman Emperor. In the same year the Chinese people invent gunpowder, used for fireworks and guns and ammunition. -
Events in the world
As seen in history before the culture of the Mayans begins its rapid decrease and will soon be nothing left of the culture except for statues, stelaes, ritualistic art and pieces, also their temples were left behind. -
Evvents in Britain
Alfred the Great becomes king of Wessex. -
Events in British Literature
Anglo-Saxon verse collected in Exeter book.