Roman Empire

  • 753 BCE

    Rome was founded

    It was founded by Romulus and Remus the twin sons of Mars. Romulus became king of Rome after murdering his brother.
  • 534 BCE

    Tarquin the Proud´s rule

  • 450 BCE

    First Roman Law Code

    The Twelve Tables was written on twelve bronze tablets.
  • 390 BCE

    Gauls sacked Rome

  • 300 BCE


    Political Power was mainly the Senate and everything else was around it.
  • 264 BCE

    Punic Wars Began

    Rome and Carthage a powerful city-state. The first 2 Punic Wars end with Rome controlling Sicily, the western Mediterranean, and some of Spain.
  • 240 BCE

    First Roman Literature

    translations of Greek classics into Latin
  • 149 BCE

    Third Punic War

    Romans captured and destroyed Carthage.
  • 59 BCE

    Julius Caesar returned

    Julius Caesar returned from war for the consulship.
  • 53 BCE

    Caesars military glory

    Pompey was consul at the time, but Caesar was getting more attention. Pompey tried to undermine Caesar.
  • 45 BCE

    Caesar became dictator for life

  • 44 BCE

    Caesar was murdered

    Julius Caesar had become very powerful, he was stabbed by his own friends in the Senate multiple times.
  • 29 BCE


    Octavian had become ruler of all of Rome and provinces. He ruled for 56 years.
  • 27 BCE

    Caesar Augustus

    Octavian took the name of Caesar Augustus, becoming the first emperor of Rome.
  • 180

    Golden Age came to an end

    The rule of Commodus ended the golden age
  • 192

    Civil War

    another Civil war was sparked after Commodus´s death.
  • 324


    Unified Rome and moved the Roman capital to Byzantium and then renamed it Constantinople.
  • 410

    Britain was lost from the Roman Empire

  • 430

    Spain and Northern Africa were lost

  • 450

    Attila and the Huns invaded Gaul

  • 476

    The Roman Empire Fell