Period: 100 to 117
Largest Expanse
98-117 BC: The republic continued to expand through both wars and alliances, and the early empire included a mix of Greek, Italic and Etruscan settlements. At its height, the Roman Empire covered 3,540,557km². Expanding its territory across England and Wales, Spain, France, Greece, the Middle East and the coastal areas of North Africa. Then in 2009 it was divded into 4 modern countries. -
Julius Caesur is assassanated(44 BC)
44 BC: Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March ny Marcus Brutus and a group of senators. They hoped to bring back the Roman Republic but instead Rome breakes out in civil war. -
Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of rome.(45 BC)
45 BC: Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of rome. juslius Caesar defeats pompey in a civil war. He then becomes the supreme ruler of Rome. This also markes the end of the Roman Republic. Juluis hire Sosigenes, an Eygptian astronomer, to work out a new twelve month calendar, adding the new months July and August named after himself and his son Augustius. -
Rome Burns (64 BC) (Brittany)
64 BC: Nero sets fire to Rome. He blames the Christians for the fire. The fire burned for 6 days. Only four of the fourteen districts of Rome escaped the fire three of the four districts were completely destroyed and the other seven suffered serious damage. -
Jan 1, 1117
Largest Expansion (98-117 BC) (Brittany)
BabylonBC: The republic continued to expand through both wars and alliances, and the early empire included a mix of Greek, Italic and Etruscan settlements. At its height, the Roman Empire covered 3,540,557km². Expanding its territory across England and Wales, Spain, France, Greece, the Middle East and the coastal areas of North Africa.The Roman land also covered where the Babyloin Empire once was. -
Jan 1, 1122
Hadrarin Wall (122 BC) (Brittany)
122 BC: The Hadrain Wall was built in 122 AD. It was a long wall built across Northearn England. the wall was made from squared stone and measured 3 metres wide and 5 to 6 metres high, while west of the river the wall was made from turf and measured 6 metres wide and 3.5 metres high. This does not include the wall's ditches, berms and forts.The Hadrain wall was built to keep the barbarians out. -
Jan 1, 1391
Pagan Temple Foreclosed? (391 BC) (Brittany)
391 BC: Emperor Theodosius the first closes the pagan temple. The picture is of the Pagan Temple before Theodosius closed it. Theodosius I directed Cynegius, his praetorian prefect in the East, to enforce the prohibition of sacrifice for the purpose of divination. -
Jan 1, 1391
Constantine tolerates Christinaity. (391 CE) (Brittany)
391 CE: Constantine had been intrudeced and tought Christianity from a young age. They arent sure whether it was that fact that he grew to tolerate it once he became ruler. He was not baptized until shortly before his death. In 313, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan legalizing Christian worship. The photo is of the Orthodox Bulgarian icon of Constantine and his mother, St. Helena. -
Jan 1, 1426
Theodosius ll closes Epidaurus Sanctuary (426 CE) (Brittany)
426 CE: Roman Emperor Theodosius II orders closure of Epidaurus sanctuary. The site was definitively abandoned following earthquakes in 522 and 551 CE. Excavations at the ancient site were first begun in 1881 CE under the auspices of the Greek Archaeological Society and continue to the present day. The photo is the sanctuary. -
Jan 1, 1509
Rome became Republic (509 BC)
509 BC: The last king of rome is expelled snd rome is now ruled by senators. There is a constitution with laws and Rome becomes a complex Republican Goverment. -
Rome is Founded (753 BC) (Brittany)
753 BC: Rome is one of the oldest named cities in the world. Rome is founded by Romulus. The picture is of the she-wolf feeding the twins Romulus and Remus. It is the most famous image associated with the founding of Rome.