Roma xd


By laly007
  • Period: 2019 BCE to 2019 BCE


    The Romans formed a new government structure: the Republic. It was largely followed for centuries. The Romans overthrew their Etruscan conqueror. The Etruscans had ruled the Romans for hundreds of years. The Romans established the new government once they were released from the Etruscan domain. The new government allowed the citizen to select the representative to govern. In ancient Rome there was a variety of classes among citizens, as well as with different privileges.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 800 BCE


    Romulus and Remus were abandoned. Their parents threw them into the Tiber River. They were found by a wolf, she would become the mother of two legends. The wolf looked after both babies for a while before a pastor found them. The pastor adopted the two babies and when they became adults, they decided to found a city and Romulus killed Rowing and the city of Rome was baptized with his name. Archaeologists still have a different point of view on the existence of life before Rome was found.