
Role of media and & government secrecy

  • MichelChossudovsky "The Osama bin Laden Myth"

    MichelChossudovsky "The Osama bin Laden Myth"
    This is bye far one of my favorite topics. The hidden stories of the war in irag and Osama Bin Laden is amazing. Just amazing to the fact of the scandal the U.S put on the confession video and also how Osama Bin Laden had confessed that he had nothing to do with september 11 yet the U.S never brought it out to the press. "Osama bin Laden’s sensational denial was not reported by the US print and TV media. It was not investigated by the executive branch. No one in the US Congress called attention"
  • Susan Maret "Government Secrecy"

    Susan Maret "Government Secrecy"
    This source is a great source on what government secrecy realy is. Susan Maret does a great job on explaining why there is government secrecey, the proposal for it, what certain steps the governement will take to keep these things secret, and certain breakdowns of theories spreading around.
  • Zachery Sindermin "How Governments Are Using Social Media for Better & for Worse"

    Thid article is a great article on how social media is a powerful source of spreading things that are good and mad. It shows how the government partakes in these actions bye having things like a twitter,facebook and constantly posting things that the people read wether positive secretive or negative.
  • Barbara Miller "Government Information Quarterly"

    Barbara Miller "Government Information Quarterly"
    This source shows a great way of explaining how role of media also enters government secrecy. It shows how much government websites that were showing off certain government secrecy were shutdown and banded from the internet. Never the less leaving us all clueless. As i was reading this source i got a better understanding of why the government does what they do.