Period: 1000 to 1500
Kingdom of Mali
Mansa Musa divided the empire into provinces, each with its own governor, and towns that were administered by a mayor. -
Period: 1000 to 1500
Kingdom of Kongo
The kingdom of Kongo had Kikongo-speaking people that can be represented by the Niger-Congo linguistic group. -
Period: 1000 to 1500
Kingdom of Ghana
Ghana had become a kingdom and the rulers grew rich from taxing the goods traders brought into their territory. -
Period: 1000 to 1500
Kingdom of Songhai
Sunni Ali began to conquer nearby regions including the important trading cities of Timbuktu and Djenne. -
First Voyage of Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus departed on his first voyage from the port of Palos in southern Spain in command of three ships called the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. -
Period: 1492 to 1504
Voyages of Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that opened the New World to the Europeans. -
Treaty of Tordesillas
This was an agreement between Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus and other late 15th-century voyagers. -
Cortes conquered the Aztecs
Invaders led by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés overthrew the Aztec Empire by force and captured Tenochtitlan bringing an end to Mesoamerica’s last great native civilization. -
Period: to
English settlement of Roanoke
The first Roanoke colonists did not fare well, suffering from dwindling food supplies and Indian attacks. -
Establishment of Jamestown
The Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas -
Pilgrims land in Plymouth
Their leadership came from the religious congregations of Separatist Puritans, who had fled religious persecution in England . -
Maryland granted to Lord Baltimore
Maryland became a separate colony under a charter granted to Lord Baltimore and it became the 7th U.S. state when it ratified the U.S. Constitution. -
Navigation Acts
These were laws that developed, promoted, and regulated English ships, shipping, trade, and commerce between other countries and with its own colonies -
Period: to
King Philip’s War
The main cause for the King Philip's War was that both sides, the native Americans and the settlers wanted the land and wanted to have access to the others' land -
Bacon’s Rebellion
The causes of the rebellion were high taxes, low prices for tobacco, and resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor. -
Period: to
Queen Annes War
This was the second in a series of French and Indian Wars fought in England's Thirteen American Colonies during the reign of Anne, Queen of Great Britain. -
The Great Awakening
The Great Awakening was sparked by the tour of an English evangelical minister named George Whitefield. -
Period: to
7 Years’ War
The Seven Years’ War was caused by Britain’s need for expansion and resulted in devastating debt. -
Sugar Act
This Act was meant to raise revenue from the American colonists in the 13 Colonies. -
Stamp Act
Colonists believed it was unjust to be taxed without their consent by unelected rulers. -
Tea Act
The Sugar Act was passed by Parliament and was introduced by Prime Minister George Grenville as a permanent. -
Intolerable Acts
The laws were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in the Tea Party protest in reaction to changes in taxation by the British to the detriment of colonial goods. -
Declaration of Independence
John Hancock was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, leading the congress in the drafting, adoption, and signing of the document. -
Ratification of the Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 states. -
The Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Saratoga was very important because it won the Americans a foreign ally, the French. -
The Battle of Yorktown
The Battle of Yorktown triggered the point of final surrender for British forces. -
Shay’s Rebellion
Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts in opposing a debt crisis among the citizenry and the state government’s increased efforts to collect taxes on individuals and their trades -
The Northwest Ordinance
This was an act of the Continental Congress of the United States unanimously passed under the Articles of Confederation. -
The US Constitution
The first Congress of the United States adopted 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution called The Bill of Rights. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion was triggered by a tax imposed on distilled liquors which farmers in western Pennsylvania believed was unfair. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
The Federalists believed that Democratic-Republican criticism of Federalist policies was disloyal and feared that aliens living in the United States would sympathize with the French during a war they wanted to win. -
Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon wanted to use Louisiana to establish a large colonial empire in the Americas. -
Embargo Act
This was a general embargo on all foreign nations enacted by the United States Congress against Great Britain and France during the Napoleonic Wars. -
Period: to
War of 1812
Three causes of the War of 1812 were maritime problems, Manifest Destiny, and national pride. -
The Battle of Horseshoe Bend
this was a major battle of the Creek War, in which Andrew Jackson sought to clear Alabama for American settlement. -
Missouri Compromise
This compromise attempted to resolve sectional disputes over the extension of slavery in western territories of the United States. -
Mexican Independence
This war was an armed conflict, lasting over a decade, which had several distinct phases and took place in different regions of New Spain. -
Texas declares independence
President Andrew Jackson appointed Alcée La Branche American chargé d'affaires to the Republic of Texas, thus officially recognizing Texas as an independent republic. -
Period: to
Mexican-American War
This war was a win for the Mexicans, but the Colonists see it as a loss. -
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
This treaty was known as the treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits and Settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic. -
The Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was a package of five separate bills passed by the United States Congress that defused a political confrontation between slave and free states. -
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
This was an organic act that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, it was drafted by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas. -
The Dred Scott Decision
This was a case that thought of whether or not a slave should be returned when going into free land. -
The secession of South Carolina
South Carolina did not agree with the elections that took place, so they decided to secede. -
Period: to
The Civil War
Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter held by a Union garrison, it lasted four years and devastated the South. -
The Battle at Antietam
This battle brought the Emancipation Proclamation Act. -
The Battle of Gettysburg
This battle gave way of the Mississippi River to the Union. -
The emancipation Proclamation
This proclamation did not free a single slave,but it was an important turning point in the war, transforming the fight to preserve the nation into a battle for human freedom.